Communication Tool Chart
The communication tool chart helps determine the most appropriate tool for a message. The most appropriate communication tool is listed under each message type:
Personalized (private financial, academic, library)
- Carleton email (cMail)
- Carleton360 portal tool(s): Brightspace, Carleton Central, intray message
General (public financial, academic, library, dates, deadlines, etc.)
- Email newsletter(s): faculty, undergraduate student, graduate student, parents
- Carleton360 portal: intray, Brightspace
- Digital signage system
- Websites: undergraduate/graduate student sites, faculty, department
- Carleton Mobile app
- Event calendars (main, departmental, student)
- Social media
Events (public)
- Email newsletter(s): faculty, undergraduate student, graduate student, parents
- Carleton360 portal: events calendar
- Electronic signage: LED signs, digital signage system
- Websites: homepage, undergraduate/graduate student sites, faculty, department
- Carleton Mobile app
- Event calendars (main, departmental, student)
- Social media
Events (personalized/by invite only)
- Carleton email
- Carleton360 event calendar
- Websites: department
News and announcements
- Email newsletter(s): faculty, undergraduate student, graduate student, parents
- Carleton360 portal: intray, news feed posts
- Electronic signage: LED signs, digital signage system
- Websites: homepage, undergraduate/graduate student sites, faculty, department
- Carleton Mobile app
- Social media
Message from the President
- Carleton email
- Carleton360 portal: intray message, news feed post
- Websites: homepage, undergraduate/graduate student sites, faculty, department
- Carleton Mobile app
Crisis – Emergency Notification System
- Carleton email
- Campus computer screen messages
- Carleton Mobile app push notification
- If you have any questions, please email