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Course Outlines: Fall/Winter 2014-2015

Fall/Winter 2014-15 course offerings for the Institute of Criminology & Criminal Justice

Please Note: Outlines will be posted as they become available. Please keep checking for updates.

Course Sec. TermDescription Instructor
CRCJ 1000AFallIntroduction to Criminology
(Revised Sept. 5, 2014)
Karaian, Lara
CRCJ 1000BWinterIntroduction to CriminologyKaraian, Lara
CRCJ 1000CFallIntroduction to Criminology
(Revised Aug. 28, 2014)
Monaghan, Jeffrey
CRCJ 3001AFallQuantitative MethodsMailloux, Donna
CRCJ 3001BWinterQuantitative MethodsMailloux, Donna
CRCJ 3002AFallQualitative MethodsSantos, Madalena
CRCJ 3002CWinterQualitative MethodsThomas, Holly
CRCJ 3002DWinterQualitative MethodsThomas, Holly
CRCJ 3003AFallLegal Research Methods
(Revised Sept. 2, 2014)
Conroy, Amy
CRCJ 3003CWinterLegal Research MethodsConroy, Amy
CRCJ 3901
CRCJ 3902
AF/WField Placement in CriminologyNearing-Guibord, Danette
CRCJ 4001AFallPolicing SexKaraian, Lara
CRCJ 4001BFallCrime and the InternetSinclair, Roberta
CRCJ 4001CWinterPolicing SexKaraian, Lara
CRCJ 4001DWinterChildren and the Criminal Justice SystemSinclair, Roberta
CRCJ 4002AFallCrime, Media and Pop CultureThomas, Holly
CRCJ 4002BFallTechnology & CorrectionsMcCuaig, Erin
CRCJ 4002CWinterTechnology & CorrectionsMcCuaig, Erin
CRCJ 4002DWinterPolicing & Social Control
(Revised Jan. 8, 2015)
Monaghan, Jeffrey
CRCJ 4908AF/WHonours Research ProjectSwan, Peter