Nicolas Carrier

Associate Professor, ICCJ Director
- Ph.D. (Université du Québec à Montréal, Sociology)
- Email Nicolas Carrier
Research interests
- Social systems theory
- Theoretical criminology
- Social control
- Sociology of law and punishment
- Moralization
- Biocriminology
- Drug policies
- Prison and penal abolitionism
Selected Publications
Carrier, N. (2022). Monstrosity, Correctional Healing, and the Limits of Penal Abolitionism, Crime, Media, Culture: |
Piché, J., Walby, K. and N. Carrier. (2019). An Introduction to Prison and Penal Abolitionism in Canada. In John Winterdyke and Michael Weinrath (eds), Adult Corrections in Canada (second edition), Whitby: De Sitter. |
Carrier, N., Piché, J. and Walby, K. (2019). Abolitionism and Decarceration, in Deflem, M. (ed.), The Handbook of Social Control, New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 469-487. |
Carrier, N. and J. Piché (2018). On (In)Justice: Undisciplined Abolitionism in Canada, Social Justice, 45 (4), 35-56: |
Carrier, N. and J. Piché (2015). Blind Spots of Abolitionist Thought in Academia: On Longstanding and Emerging Challenges, Champ pénal/Penal Field: |
Carrier, N. and J. Piché (2015). The State of Abolitionism, Champ pénal/Penal Field: |
Carrier, N. (2015). Re-Imagining Social Control: G.H. Mead, C.W. Mills and Beyond, in Frauley, J. (ed.), The Criminological Imagination, Burlington: Ashgate. |
Carrier, N. and K. Walby (2015). Is Biosocial Criminology a Predisposition not to Learn from the Social Sciences? Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 7 (1):’Is_Biosocial_Criminology_a_Predisposition_not_to_Learn_from_the_Social_Sciences’_Journal_of_Theoretical_and_Philosophical_Criminology_71_96-108 |
Carrier, N. and K. Walby (2015). For Sociological Reason: Crime, Criminalization, and the Poverty of Biosocial Criminology, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 7 (1) [online]: |
Carrier, N. and K. Walby (2014). Ptolemizing Lombroso: The Pseudo-Revolution of Biosocial Criminology, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 6 (1): |
Carrier, N. and A.S.J. Park (2013). On an Entrepreneurial Criminology of Mass Political Violence, Crime, Law & Social Change, 60 (3), 297-317: |
Carrier, N. and K. Walby (2011). Putting Claims about the ‘New Paradigm’ of ‘Biosocial Criminology’ in Context, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 27 (1) [supplement], |
Carrier, N. (2011). Critical Criminology Meets Radical Constructivism, Critical Criminology, 19, 331-350. |
Walby, K. and N. Carrier (2010). The Rise of Biocriminology: Capturing Bodily Economies of ‘Criminal Man’, Criminology & Criminal Justice, 10 (3), 261-285. |
Carrier, N. (2010). Anglo-Saxon Sociologies of the Punitive Turn: Critical Timidity, Reductive Perspectives, and the Problem of Totalization, Penal Field. New International Journal of Criminology, 7, November 2010, [online]: |
Carrier, N. (2010). Sociologies anglo-saxonnes du virage punitif: timidité critique, perspectives totalisantes et réductrices, Champ pénal. Nouvelle revue internationale de criminologie, 7, avril 2010, [online]: |
Carrier, N. and G. Chantraine (2009). Éditorial, Champ pénal. Nouvelle revue internationale de criminologie, 6, juillet 2007, [en ligne] : (also published in English : |
Carrier, N. (2008b). Speech for the Defense of a Radically Constructivist Sociology of (Criminal) Law, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 36 (3), 168-183. |
Carrier, N. (2007a). The Autonomy and Permeability of Law. The Case of the Canadian Prohibition of Cannabis, Canadian Journal of Law & Society, 22 (1), 123-138. |
Carrier, N. (2006a). La dépression problématique du concept de contrôle social, Déviance & Société, 30 (1), 3-20. |
Carrier, N. (2006b). Les criminels des universitaires. Les formations discursives de la déviance criminalisée, Champ pénal. Nouvelle revue française de criminologie, 3, mai 2006, [en ligne] : . |
Carrier, N. (2006c). Academics’ Criminals. The Discursive Formations of Criminalized Deviance, Penal Field, 3, mai 2006, [online] : |
Carrier, N., J. Laplante, and J. Bruneau (2005). Exploring the Contingent Reality of Biomedicine. IDUs, HCV and Risk, Health, Risk & Society, 7 (2), 123-140. |
Carrier, N. (2004a). Les vedettes de la prohibition du cannabis, Drogues, santé et société, numéro double, 2 (2) et 3 (1), 233-286. |
Carrier, N. (2003a). Une dépolitisation hygiénique : les lieux d’injection de drogues illicites comme stratégie de « réduction des méfaits », Déviance & Société, 27 (1), 59-76. |
Carrier, N., and P. Lauzon (2003). Se shooter en présence d’intervenants!? Les points de vue des consommateurs sur la mise en place éventuelle de lieux d’injection de drogues illicites à Montréal, Drogues, santé et société, 2 (1), 119-174. |
Carrier, N., and B. Quirion. (2003). Les logiques de contrôle de l’usage des drogues illicites : la réduction des méfaits et l’efficience du langage de la périllisation, Drogues, santé et société, 2 (1), 9-73. |
Carrier, N. (2000a). Discours de patrouilleurs montréalais sur la détection de l’infraction de possession … ou pour trouver le ver, encore faut-il pouvoir toucher la pomme, Psychotropes, Revue internationale des toxicomanies, 6 (4), 103-129. |