Victor Konrad portraitCongratulations Professor Konrad on receipt of a Research Time Release (RTR) award!

The RTR is awarded to several Carleton researchers annually after a University wide competition. The Vice President of Research and International, on the advice of the Carleton Research Advisory Committee (CREAD), provides the equivalent to 0.5 credit of teaching release to faculty “to enable high performing faculty members to implement and coordinate complex and time consuming initiatives” (Carleton University Research Office).

The RTR was awarded to support Professor Konrad’s work as co-director for the Canada-wide Borders in Globalization project. Borders in Globalization is a SSHRC funded partnership grant which supports the research of MA and PhD students at Carleton working on aspects of border research related to themes of culture, history, governance, migration, trade flows, security and sustainability.

Congratulations Victor!