Graduate Student Opportunities in Geography at Carleton University
The Geography & Environmental Studies Department is recruiting MA, MSc and PhD students. Funding is available through the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, faculty research projects and internal and external merit- and need-based scholarships and bursaries. More information and the listing of our faculty and their areas of research.
Patricia Ballamingie
- Food sovereignty; agro-ecology; food policy governance
- Environmental conflict and deliberative democratic engagement
- Community economy, social economy, and collaborative consumption
- Deep adaptation to climate change
Chris Burn
Permafrost degradation in Canada’s western Arctic (Projects funded by NSERC and Govt. of Yukon (NTAI)
- Funded MSc positions are available to study
- i) the long-term effects of forest fire on permafrost in the southern Yukon Territory
- ii) regional permafrost conditions in northern Yukon
- iii) geohazards along the Dempster highway
MA, MSc, and Graduate Diploma in Northern Studies: Now recruiting students for our new course-based graduate programs. Please see for more information.
John Chételat
- Ecotoxicology of metals (mercury, lead) and other elements (arsenic)
- Metal bioaccumulation in wildlife
- Transfer of metals in food webs
- Arctic limnology
- Environmental applications of stable isotopes
Stephan Gruber
Quantifying permafrost thaw with simulation, field observation and laboratory experiments in Canada or abroad. NSERC and other funding.
- simulation-based climate services for permafrost environments
- measuring ice and water content in frozen soil with dielectric methods
- quantifying confidence in simulations of permafrost change
- interpreting ground temperature and subsidence for permafrost monitoring
- permafrost and mass movements in steep mountains
- MSc and PhD Opportunities
Karen Hébert
- Analyzing Alaskan resource politics
- A recent ethnographic research project tracked the efforts of activists, scientists, government officials, and rural residents to address concerns over controversial resource development proposals in two different regions of rural, coastal Alaska
- The mobilizations involved protests over mining, logging, and fisheries regulations, organized around protecting an environment “at risk.”
- MA students are invited to conduct research on key project themes using the 150 semi-structured interviews and oral histories amassed during this project
- Follow-up research trips to Alaska are also possible
David Hugill
- The relationship between settler colonialism and cities
- Urban forms of inequality and/or inequity
- The politics of the corporate sharing economy
- The urban geography of lobbying in Canada’s capital city
Elyn Humphreys
- Changing northern land-atmosphere interactions
- Research assistantships are available for new MSc and PhD interested in studying the impacts of weather variability and disturbances on carbon dioxide, methane and energy fluxes in Arctic tundra and northern peatland ecosystems
- Experience programming (e.g. Matlab, R, etc) and with micrometeorological techniques (e.g. eddy covariance) or the interest in learning these skills is required
Pablo Mendez
- Linkages between affordable housing and sustainable transportation
- Low-carbon transitions and urban design
- Migration and settlement in Canadian cities
- Applied GIS in urban and regional contexts
- Big data approaches to understanding urban issues
Scott Mitchell
Links between spatio-temporal heterogeneity and environmental processes, especially in agricultural landscapes. Specific examples:
- Impacts of heterogeneity of crop production land on biodiversity (GLEL Farmland Project)
- Spatially-explicit impacts of changing extreme weather on risks in agricultural production
- Measurement and modelling of spatio-temporal patterns of native grassland primary productivity
Vivian Nguyen
Accepting new graduate students.
- Bridging the knowledge-action gap: knowledge brokering, exchange, and mobilization
- Bridging community knowledge, western science and policy
- Investigating human dimensions of natural resource management
- Evaluating research impacts in conservation and natural resource management
- Exploring best practices for evidence-informed practices and community-driven research
- Understanding social-ecological systems
Murray Richardson
Cold regions hydrology and mercury cycling, Iqaluit, Nunavut (NSERC funded opportunities)
- Energy-balance measurement and modelling: Arctic tundra and lake ecosystems (PhD or MSc)
- Snow distribution measurement and modelling including satellite and UAV-based remote sensing (MSc)
- Measurement of surface-air mercury exchange over tundra snowpack and soils using a micrometeorological approach (PhD or MSc)
- Simulating climate change impacts on surface water hydrology of the Niaqunguk Watershed, Iqaluit, NU (PhD or MSc)
Jennifer Ridgley
- Migration, citizenship, and migrant justice movements
- Urban geographies of policing, law, and law enforcement
- Urban development and displacement
Masters and Ph.D. positions available
- Human-wildlife interaction
- Human dimensions of biodiversity conservatiom
- Various aspects of OpenStreetMap
Skills needed
- Advanced Geospatial and Geostatistical Analysis using R and Python
- Programming skills in Python
- Ability to spend time in the field in Uganda
Derek Smith
- Investigating land tenure and forest conservation in the Yucatan region of Mexico
- Mapping indigenous landscapes in southern Belize
- Hunting and wildlife dynamics in eastern Ontario
- Investigations of the relationships between people and wildlife in cities
Sophie Tamas
- The (mis)uses of personal narrative in feminist, Indigenous, and psychoanalytic geographic inquiries
- Arts-based approaches to producing knowledge
- Emotional geographies of post-traumatic growth and change
- Emotional Geographies Lab
Fraser Taylor
Cybercartography is the application of geomatics to a wide variety of issues affecting society in an national and international context and the dissemination of the results in new multi-media and multisensory ways that people can easily understand. These are often cybercartographic atlases produced using the innovative Nunaliit data management framework of the Geomatics and Cartographical Research Centre (GCRC). Current research concentrates on Indigenous Knowledge especially in the Canadian north, Mexico and Brazil. Cybercartography is being applied to an increasing number of topics and disciplines. It is ideal for transdisciplinary work as a cybercartographic atlas is a metaphor for all kinds of quantitative and qualitative information linked by location. Taylor supervises masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students, and offers research assistantships on some projects.
Julie Tomiak
- Cities and decolonization
- Indigenous resistance and resurgence
- Settler state power and racial capitalism
Jill Wigle
- Urban housing, planning and governance in Latin America or Canada
- Geographies of spatial regulation and informality in Mexico City
- Urban policy and precarity in Latin America or Canada