Here are some frequently asked questions regarding course selection:
- What is a prerequisite?
Some courses require you to take one or more prerequisites in order to get into the course. A prerequisite is a course that must be successfully completed (with a minimum gradeĀ of D- or above unless otherwise noted) BEFORE you are able to register into the course. By first taking all of the required prerequisite course(s), this will ensure that your knowledge level is adequate for you to understand the material in the course that you are trying to register into. Always look at the most current Undergraduate Calendar in order to determine which prerequisites are required for the course that you are trying to take. Some COMP courses will require a prerequisite grade that is higher than D-. The School of Computer Science strictly enforces prerequisites as outlined in the calendar.
- What is a preclusion?
When two courses have very similar (or overlapping) material, the calendar often indicates that the courses will preclude one another. This means that you cannot have both of these courses count as credit towards your degree requirements. Precluded courses are not necessarily equivalent. Do not assume that one course can substitute for another simply because it precludes the other course. You should always check with your Undergraduate Advisors to be sure. Note that if you take a course that precludes another course that you have already taken, the most recent grade will count. Preclusions are listed in the course description in the Undergraduate Calendar.
- What if a required course is not offered?
Below is a list of courses that are required for some BCS programs but are no longer offered. Each item also indicates what the School will accept as a replacement in the affected programs. Always follow your program under the Undergraduate Calendar that corresponds to the “catalog year” on your academic audit. E.g. 202230 catalog year is under the 2022-23 Undergraduate Calendar. However, always consult the most recent Undergraduate Calendar for all prerequisites and preclusions. Please contact your Undergraduate Advisors after your final grade is in so that an audit amendment can be done for any of the course substitution below.
Accepted Replacement
COMP 3109 (and was COMP 4109 prior) Renumbered to COMP 2108 COMP 3601 Renumbered to COMP 4602. Replace with any course that can be a free elective (for students admitted prior to Fall 2017 only). COMP 4105 Renumbered to COMP 3105 COMP 4106 Renumbered to COMP 3106 COMP 4300 any COMP at the 4000-level BUSI 2101
(no longer offered to non-B.Comm students)BUSI 2121 BUSI 2300 BUSI 2301 BUSI 3403 BUSI 3402 ECON 1000 ECON 1001 + 1002
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