Modern Ottawa: a Contradiction?
The controversy over the proposed addition to the Château Laurier continues to sizzle. It’s great to have architecture at the centre of so much public discussion, but a few of the points being made really require more than the cursory exploration they’re getting in the press.
Case in point: Kelly Egan opined in the Citizen last week that Ottawans dislike the design because they are fundamentally staid by nature, and hate ‘edgy’ architecture – or anything Modern, for that matter. Really?
Okay, let’s deal with ‘edgy’ first. I’m not certain what it means, which is always a bad sign – I suspect it’s a word used by those who want to look cool to make those who disagree with them look uncool. But if it means anything at all architecturally, surely it must refer to something that’s bold, radically original, and ground-breaking.
Just to remind us, this is the design by Peter Clewes for the Château Laurier: