TA Award
Deadline: April 1, 2010
The purpose of the Teaching Assistant Excellence Award is to recognize the important role of Teaching Assistants in the School for Studies in Art and Culture and to publicly honour the efforts, talents, and dedication of TAs who make an exceptional contribution to the learning experience of their students.
Nominations: Online nominations are welcome from undergraduate students and faculty. Detailed Guidelines are here.
Submission of nominations: Complete nomination forms can be submitted on-line from here: Nomination Form.
Selection Criteria: The TA Excellence Award Committee will review all nominations and make a decision based on the following criteria:
- Teaching Skills: Teaching ability demonstrated in tutorials, office hours or guest lectures;
- Communication: Quality of communication with students or the instructor (e.g., in office hours, email communication, etc.);
- Inspiration: Ability to stimulate, engage or provoke thought;
- Grading: Quality of grading in terms of fairness, promptness, helpfulness and relevance of feedback/comments;
- Other: Any other qualities demonstrating commitment to teaching or grading.
The selection committee will evaluate each nomination in accordance with the criteria stated above. Award announcements will be made in April.
For more information contact: SSACTAmentor@carleton.ca