UAAC Conference 2011

This year, Carleton’s Art History unit is hosting the annual The Universities Art Association of Canada / L’Association de l’art des universités du Canada (UAAC/AAUC) conference, the largest academic meeting of Art Historians and Artists in the country. Held from October 27 to 29, the program includes about 200 papers and a keynote address by Marc Mayer, Director, National Gallery of Canada.
October 27, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm: Welcoming Reception, Westin Hotel
October 28, 9:00 am- 7:00 pm: Day 1 of the Conference at the National Gallery of Canada
October 29, 9:00 am-7:00 pm: Day 2 of the Conference at Carleton University, St. Patrick’s Building
For more information, see the UAAC/AAUC website
Conference Program: UAAC 2011 Conference Program