Undeniably, that is a handsome building. Unfortunately, there’s a glass box blocking the view of it.
Although we are further than ever from a suitable design, the political process is, astonishingly, nearly complete. City Staff will issue its recommendations on this proposal by June 11. The Built Heritage Sub-Committee will meet on June 18 to determine its recommendations to the Planning Committee. Planning Committee will meet on June 26 to decide what it will recommend to the Mayor and City Council, and the Mayor and Council will meet the next day to vote on whether or not to allow this to go ahead.
For the City of Ottawa, this is a massive test. It’s not too late to prevent this debacle, but to do so will require effort and determination. Is there any genuine vision for heritage at City Hall? We’re about to find out. The implications for the heritage movement in Ottawa are huge: if we can’t save the Château Laurier from this fate, how can we ever expect to save anything?
Peter Coffman