The Effects of Genre and Narrative on Philosophical Writings: An Exploration of the Merits of Philosophical Literature

By Jeremy Garbe


One of the main goals of a philosopher is to convey their ideas to others in a coherent way. A philosopher must choose what structure, language, style, and genre will be conducive to the flourishing of their ideas. In this project, I will research the origin and development of philosophical literature to better understand its argumentative merits. I will compare genres of philosophical literature such as dialogues poems, novels, and plays, with more formal modes of conveying ideas such as essays, treatises, and letters. I will then set out to showcase why philosophers throughout history have decided that the merits of philosophical literature, a form open to the reader’s interpretation, are worth the risk of being misunderstood and misconstrued, thus outlining its place in the philosophical discourse of today.

Supervisor: Professor Erik Stephenson

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