The Centre for European Studies is pleased to announced the following opportunities:

1)      EU Study Tour grants and internships: The Centre for European Studies is pleased to announce grants for participation in the EU Study  Tour (May 16-June 4, 2010) and now has a list of potential internship placements in Europe following the EU Study Tour.  Students who have achieved fourth year standing by the end of this academic year and graduate students are eligible to apply.  Follow the links at:

2)      Graduate Student Travel Research Grants, to conduct research for MA or PhD research essays, theses, or dissertation on the European Union, European Integration, or EU-Canada Relations (Winter and summer 2010).  Application deadline March 1, 2010. For further information see:

3) Graduate Internship in EU and European Studies with the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue at Carleton University, for spring/summer 2010, including a two month internship in Europe. This internship may be connected to the EU Study Tour. Deadline February 10, 2010. See


For further information contact Prof. Joan DeBardeleben,