Dear colleagues and CES friends,

We are pleased to share with you our new website (, which we hope will be one of your favorite online academic destinations. A new design, new features and the user-friendly interface of this website will make it easier for visitors to get updated information about the activities of the Centre for European Studies. Our upcoming events and news will be featured on the homepage as well as under the appropriate menu item. Within a click you can access our Multimedia and Presentations ( section where you can find the electronic version of materials provided by our guest speakers.  

The new CES website also hosts the EU-Learning Website ( which serves as an important resource tool for teachers and high school students on topics relating to Canada and the European Union.

In addition, our site hosts the Review of European and Russian Affairs (, which is a peer-reviewed academic journal for young researchers.

We hope you will like our new website and we are looking forward to hearing your comments!


CES Team