Friday, September 21, 12:45-2:30 p.m.

Location: Alumni Board  Room, 613 Robertson Hall, Carleton

Jon Pammett (Political Science, Carleton) and his collaborator Lawrence LeDuc (Political Science, University of Toronto) will be presenting their work on:

 Consistency or Selectivity?  Patterns of political participation in the UK and Canada

This paper is based on an analysis of recent electoral survey data with special question sequences

CES Research Seminar Series:

These seminars involve Carleton and Ottawa U faculty and PhD students presenting their new or ongoing research projects, followed by informal discussion.  It’s a great way to get to know  your colleagues’ current work  and to get feedback on  your own research in progress.

If you would like to share your work at an upcoming seminar, please contact me, indicating your preferred time frame.  Work on the EU, Europe-Canada comparisons,  and comparative work involving Europe are welcome, from all disciplines.

For more information contact or 613 520-2600 ext. 1087