A talk by:

Myra Marx Ferree

Alice H. Cook Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Director of the European Union Center of Excellence

Tuesday, October 2nd | 1:00pm-2:30pm

Dunton Tower, 2017, Carleton University

* Light refreshments available

This lecture explores the differences in the notions of gender equality that are expressed in the EU today as well as in modern nation-states, using a comparative look at how two modern nation-states, Germany and the United States understand gender differently. Ferree emphasizes the intersections of gender with race and class politics in these two cases, suggesting that they illustrate general models for understanding the political framing of gender. The lecture considers whether these models are challenged by the emergence of a transnational EU gender regime.

The event is supported, in part, by a grant from the European Commission

For more information contact ces@carleton.ca or 613 520-2600 ext. 1087