On March 28,  professor of Political Science and Associate Director of CES, Achim Hurrelmann, will give a talk entitled “The Eurocrisis: A Never Ending Story?” at Algoma University in Salt St. Marie. Algoma’s Department of  Law and Politics has invited him to give this lecture, which is supported by the Centre for European Studies.

Prof. Hurrelmann currently works on two major research projects, one focusing on legitimation discourses about European integration (SSHRC Standard Research Grant), the other on a comparison between European and North American integration (Humboldt Foundation TransCoop Grant, with Steffen Schneider). He has authored various books, most recently: Transnational Europe: Promise – Paradox – Limits (ed. with Joan DeBardeleben, Palgrave 2011). His articles have appeared, or are forthcoming, in various journals including Political Science Quarterly and European Political Science Review.

News of his lecture is featured on local news site sootoday.com.