Hurrelmann[1]Associate Director of the Centre for European Studies, Achim Hurrelmann will moderate the conversation between the ambassadors of Norway and Switzerland on September 17th at Carleton University.

Norway’s Mona Elizabeth Brøther and Ulrich Lehner of Switzerland will reflect on their relationships with the European Union (EU).  Hurrelmann notes that “Norway and Switzerland have developed specific legal arrangements with the EU that allow both countries to participate in many aspects of European integration without becoming an EU member state”.  In their discussion, the two ambassadors will explain why Norway and Switzerland have rejected full EU membership, and which legal, economic and political relationships with the EU they have developed instead. How have these arrangements worked for the two countries? What are their benefits and costs? Do they provide an alternative for EU member states whose population is concerned about the loss of sovereignty to Brussels, such as the United Kingdom? Can they be a model for countries that have not been given an explicit EU membership perspective, such as Ukraine?

When: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013 from 3:00 p.m to 4:30 p.m.

Where: Robertson Hall, Senate Room, 6th Floor

To read more background about this event click here