On March 20, 2013, the European Union is organizing the Going Green: Smart Choices for a Sustainable Future conference in Montréal.  The conference will bring together experts from around the EU and Canada to discuss the green economy. The conference is organized by the European External Action Service and the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments of the European Commission.

The themes of the conference will be energy efficiency, green cities and clean energies for a sustainable future.  Ideas will be discussed from both the Canadian and EU angles as well as from the three main levels of government: federal, regional and municipal. The keynote speaker will be Jeremy Rifkin a well-known economist who has advised the EU as well as the EU Parliament and wrote The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World.

In order to register (which is mandatory and only available until March 7, 2013) and to find more information visit the conference website.

For more information, please email the Going Green Conference Secretariat.

Did you know that the Centre for European Studies has had events on the Environment before? Here are some from the past year including multimedia presentations: