The book co-edited by Joan DeBardeleben and Crina Viju, entitled Economic Crisis in Europe: What It Means for the EU and Russia (Palgrave, 2013), has been given honourable mention for the 2013  Larry Neal Prize for Excellence in EU Scholarship. The volume, which  includes contributions by both co-editors as well as international experts and other Carleton faculty members, examines the political and economic consequences of the financial-economic crisis that developed in 2008 and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Quoting from the award notice, it is noted that “innovatively, particular attention is given to the former Soviet Union countries that are now member states of the EU, as well as Russia…” and that “the authors seek to tackle critical questions such as why certain countries are more severely affected than others and what are the implications for Europe’s future.” The prize is awarded by the European Union Centre of Excellence at the University of Illinois,  and was created on the basis of grant funding from the European Commission; it is offered in honour of Professor Emeritus of Economics, Larry Neal, the founding director of  the Illinois Centre. In association with the prize, Joan DeBardeleben has been invited to give a guest lecture at the EU Centre of Excellence at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) in fall 2014 . For the award notice, see

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