NPSIA Graduate Student Alexandra Chronopoulos produced our latest EU Policy Brief, which discusses the fragility of the space domain and low-Earth orbit, and warns of the increasing threat posed by space debris on new and existing space-based assets. It is argued that the space debris problem needs to be addressed urgently, via both mitigation and remediation strategies employed by Canada and other space-faring nations, lest the space domain become entirely unusable within one human lifetime. The EU has made significant inroads in this regard, through both policy and public-private partnerships, and could serve as an influential springboard to motivate further action.

Please read the policy brief here.

Alexandra Chronopoulos is a Graduate Student at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, which offers an top MA program in International Affairs. Her research interests include EU-Canada relations, outer space policy and governance, and international law and diplomacy.

EU flag logo and statement "With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"