Current Funding Period Activity for 2024-2026

Financial Support for Research Travel in the EU:

Fionnuala Braun, M.A. (Department of History), 2025

Angela James, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Liam Nohr, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2025

Financial Support for EU Study Tour and Internship Program:

Yasen Angiozov, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Solomia Chabursky, M.A. (Norman Paterson School of International Affairs), 2024

Lindsay d’Amato, (Global and International Studies), 2024

Nathan Harlan, B.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Angela James, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Amina Loum, B.A. (Global and International Studies), 2024

Eric Pietrasik, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Jonathan Reep, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Natalia Strelkova, (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2024

Previous Funding Period Activity

Courses supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2019-23 funding period):

Winter 2022: EURR 4104A/5104A, PSCI 4608A/5608A, European Integration and European Security. Instructor: Dr. Luca Ratti (Visiting Scholar from University of Rome III). This course familiarizes students with the main security challenges facing Europe and the current European security architecture. It discusses the EU’s security strategy (its origins, motivations, and influences), the relationship between the EU and NATO, as well as the relationship between the EU’s and its member states’ approaches to security. Please find the course outline here.

Winter 2022: EURR 5109/INAF 5805, The European Union as an International Actor. Instructor: Dr. Annegret Bendiek (Visiting Scholar from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs). This course examines the role of the EU as an international actor, with a special focus on political contestation about the EU’s international role. It studies different instruments of EU’s actorness, different contestation patterns in EU external relations (online and offline), and different aspects of EU external relations (neighbourhood policy, transatlantic cooperation, connectivity or external energy relations etc.). Please find the course outline here.

Travel Research Grants supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2019-23 funding period):


Mengxue Peng, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies)


Alexandra Chronopoulos, M.A. (Norman Paterson School of International Affairs)

Elena Kaliberda, Ph.D. (Department of Journalism and Communication)

Alexander Sawicki, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies)


Denis Dyomkin, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies)

EU Study Tour and Internship Program supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2019-23 funding period:

Iqbal Alibhai, B.A. (History), 2023

Laura Gardner, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2023

Ruth Decady Guijarro, M.A. (International Affairs), 2023

Michelle Hennessey, M.A./J.D. (International Affairs), 2023

Yanina Klopotovskaya, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2023

Liza Kowalski, B.A. (Communication and Media Studies), 2023

Eric Maclean, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2022

Haley McDonald, B.A. (Communication and Media Studies Honors), 2023

Cynthia Abou Moussa, B.A. (Global and International Studies), 2023

Jill Pearce, M.A. (Migration and Diaspora Studies), 2023

Mengxue Peng, M.A. (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies), 2023

Jana Rawas, Graduate Diploma (Migration and Diaspora Studies), 2023

Kaitlyn Skelly, M.A. (Migration and Diaspora Studies), 2023

Jichen Yu, B.A. (Communication and Media Studies), 2023

Courses supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2016-19 funding period):

Winter 2017: EURR 4304/5304, Europe and International Migration. Instructor: Professor Martin Geiger. The course touches on four core areas of EU migration governance: (1) Border Security and Deterrence (anti-migration); (2) Root Causes of Migration and the link between Migration and Development; (3) the European Association Process and Migration-Partnerships between countries in Europe and neighboring regions (South/-Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Northern Africa); (4) Replacement Migration and the Competition for Talent (in the context of demographic change and intensifying economic competition/globalization). Please find the course outline here.

Fall 2017: INAF 5805/EURR 5109, The EU in International Affairs. Instructor: Dr. Ioannis Galariotis (Visiting Scholar from European University Institute). This course examines and explains the international role and external action of the European Union. The course begins with the origins and institutional evolution of the EU’s foreign policy making system and highlights diverse theoretical and methodological approaches concerning the study of the EU as a global actor. Following that, it focuses on the role of the EU in the world examining various policy areas such as trade, development, environment, climate change, security and defence. In addition, it evaluates the role of the EU in its close neighborhood and the EU enlargement policy. The course concludes with the assessment of the interactions between the EU and the key powers (i.e. USA, Canada, Russia, China) and international organizations (i.e. United Nations). Please find the course outline here.

Fall 2018: EURR 5106/PSCI 5609, Energy Policy in Europe: Security and Transition. Instructor: Dr. Matúš Mišík (Visiting Scholar from Comenius University Bratislava). The course examines energy policy of the European Union and aims to provide an overview of the development and current situation in this policy area. The aim of the course is to examine intricacies of the policy and explain its complexity. The course analyses internal and external dimension of EU energy policy, its legal basis, the main issues connected to this policy (especially energy security and energy transition), and different types of energy and their utilization within the EU. The course examines also external energy supplies that are crucial for the Union as its member states do not produce enough energy domestically and they have to thus import energy from the third countries. Renewable sources of energy together with nuclear energy will be discussed along with different new sources of natural gas for the EU including the North America. Please find the course outline here.

Travel Research Grants supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2016-19 funding period):

Bridget Healy, M.A. (EURUS), 2019

Akaysha Humniski, Ph.D. (Department of Political Science), 2019

Carlos Vervloet, M.A. (EURUS), 2019

Angelos Bakoulas, M.A. (Department of Political Science), 2018

Christina Caouette, M.A. (EURUS), 2018

Alexandra Dauncey-Elwood, M.A. (Department of Political Science), 2018

Stuart Strang, M.A. (EURUS), 2018

Jarred Cohen, M.A. (EURUS), 2017

Maria Colja, M.A. (EURUS), 2017

Elena Kaliberda, Ph.D. (Journalism and Communication), 2017

Patrick Mayangi, M.A. (EURUS), 2017

Andrada Mihai, M.A. (EURUS), 2017

Veselin Stoyanov, M.A. (EURUS), 2017

EU Study Tour Grants supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (2016-19 funding period):

Joshua Carriere, Joshua (EURUS), 2019

Emily Davis (Political Science & Communication and Media Studies), 2019

Katia Herrera (Global and International Studies), 2019

Cole McGinn (EURUS), 2019

Alexina McLeod (EURUS), 2019

Andjelka Milosevic-Vidovic (EURUS), 2019

Kseniya Ogloblina (EURUS), 2019

Jessica Passey (EURUS), 2019

Alex Currey (EURUS), 2018

Abigail Evans (EURUS), 2018

Raya Klichinsky (EURUS), 2018

Stephanie Miszuk (EURUS), 2018

Paul Sjoberg (Political Science), 2018

Abbey Wright (Sociology), 2018

Madeleine Zwirello (EURUS), 2018

Allison Lunianga (Law and Legal Studies), 2017

Kateryna Pashchenko (Global and International Studies), 2017

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is co-funded by the European Union.

The European Commission’s support for the production of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.