The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Relations with Russia and the Eastern Neighborhood supports teaching, research, and outreach activities relating to the EU’s relations with non-member states in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The Chair provides a focal point for teaching, public debate, and policy reflection regarding the EU’s role as a transformative force in Eastern Europe, the EU as a foreign policy actor, prospects for further eastern enlargement, the Ukraine crisis, and EU relations with Russia. The Chair’s activities reach out to students with East European interests from a variety of academic programs. The Chairholder is Prof. Joan DeBardeleben.
The Chair was the first Jean Monnet Chair at Carleton University, established in 2011 with support from the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme. Since September 2016 EUREAST has received renewed funding from the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.
For information, contact the Chair holder, Professor Joan DeBardeleben,
Visit the project’s official website here.
Jean Monnet Chair activities are supported in part by a grant from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and by Carleton University.