Matúš Mišík


Department of Political Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (


Dr. Matúš Mišík is an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. His main area of expertise is energy security within the EU. He also studies the role of perceptions within the EU decision-making mechanism. He is author of Energy policy in the Enlarged European Union (IIR Prague, 2013, in Slovak) and Decision-making process in the European Union after the Eastern Enlargement (Comenius University Bratislava, 2016), has published articles in Energy, Geopolitics, Czechoslovak Psychology, Comparative European Politics, Asia Europe Journal and Slovak Sociological Review. He regularly writes for the leading Slovak dailies and comments on energy policy related topics in the electronic media. He has undertaken study/research trips to Norway (2006), Kazakhstan (2009), Finland (2009), Great Britain (2011), Austria (2012) and Canada (2015-2016).

Dates of the visit:

September – December 2018

Contribution to University activities:

Teaching: EURR 5106/PSCI5609 “Energy Policy in Europe: Security and Transition” (Fall 2018)

Research Seminar: “Energy Transition in the European Union: Central and Eastern European Perspectives”, Carleton University, November 5, 2018. Click here to view the slides.

Recent Publications:

  • Maltby, T. and Mišík, M. (forthcoming) The Political Economy of Climate and Energy Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Mišík, M. (forthcoming) External Energy Policy of the EU. Small EU Member States’ Perspective. Routledge: London.
  • Mišík, M. and Szulecki, K. (2018) On the complexity of energy policy inquiry. Response to Krzykowski and Krzykowska. Energy Policy, vol. 117.
  • Kujundžić, N. and Mišík, M. (2018) Powering up the Technodrome: Energy sustainability in the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Journal of Popular Culture. Vol. 51, No. 3.

Personal Website:

Profile at Comenius University (Scroll down for English)

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