Wednesday, March 14, 2012Following Through on the Promise of PreventionThe goal of the project was to identify 3 countries at risk of violent armed conflict in the next 1-3 years in order for an appropriate intervention to be developed. This included: 1. A preliminary selection which identified 10 countries that are not yet at a level of significant violent conflict but which exhibit... MoreThursday, November 17, 2011Zimbabwe Diagnostic BriefThe current political, economic and social climate in Zimbabwe is characterized by significant issues which undermine the stability of the state. The political stalemate between Mugabe’s ZANU‐PF party and the Opposition led by MDC‐T under Tsvangirai creates a climate of political uncertainty characterized by violence. The weakness of the... MoreThursday, November 17, 2011A Risk Assessment Report MyanmarThe Union of Myanmar (Burma) has suffered protracted political and ethnic conflict for the past 63 years. Key conflict supporting trends can be found in the following CIFP key indicators: Military, Governance and Political Instability, Population Heterogeneity, Human Development, History of Armed Conflict. As such, this diagnostic finds that the... MoreThursday, November 17, 2011Tajikistan – A Risk AssessmentTajikistan is the only former soviet Central Asian republic to experience large-scale civil conflict. War has been a causal factor in Tajikistan remaining the most impoverished state in the region, consequently resulting in a deteriorating security infrastructure. This diagnostic found that history of armed conflict, international linkages and... MoreThursday, November 17, 2011Syria – A Risk AssessmentDespite objections from the international community, including the UN, the US, the EU, and Turkey, an end to the bloodshed in Syria appears distant. Vetoes at the Security Council by China and Russia have prevented stronger sanctions or outside intervention, and with key supporters of the Syrian regime in Iran and Hezbollah, Bashar's military... MoreThursday, November 17, 2011Guatemala – Conflict DiagnosticSince 2006, Guatemala has undergone numerous trade reforms and experienced favourable economic progress, yet continues to be ranked near the bottom of most global indices for equality and social indicators.1, 2 The 1996 Peace Accord, which put an end to 36 years of civil war between the government and various insurgent groups has enabled... MoreSunday, November 28, 2010North Korea Risk FactorsNorth Korea Risk... MoreSunday, November 28, 2010North Korea Diagnostic 2010The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), better known as North Korea, was established in 1948 following the liberation of Korea from Japan in 1945. Following the end of WWII the Korean Peninsula was under the trusteeship of a joint Soviet‐U.S. Commission in an effort to establish a national government. The U.N Security Council... MoreSaturday, November 20, 2010Haiti Diagnostic 2010The Republic of Haiti is a Caribbean state with a population of approximately 9 million people. It occupies the Western part of the island of Hispaniola, next to the Dominican Republic. A former colony, Haiti is a nation born of a slave revolt: it gained its independence from France as a result of the prolonged uprising... MoreSaturday, November 20, 2010Kyrgyzstan Diagnostic 2010Not only is Kyrgyzstan the sole democracy in Central Asia, it is also the newest parliamentary democracy in the world. Despite this newfound political freedom, Kyrgyzstan has continued to face political instability in the face of a newly elected parliament. Conflict-supporting trends have been found in the following CIFP key indicators: history of... MoreThursday, November 18, 2010Chad Diagnostic 2010Chad, the landlocked ‘Dead Heart of Africa’, has never been a simple place for its people to thrive. Even so, the last decade has seen the country presented with a period of particular crisis and opportunity. Plagued by fighting between rebel and government forces, conflict has been exacerbated by an unstable relationship with neighboring... MoreThursday, June 24, 2010Diasporas, Conflict and Canadian Foreign PolicyDiasporas, Conflict and Canadian Foreign... MoreSaturday, March 13, 2010Sierra Leone DiagnosticSince 2002 Sierra Leone has been slowly emerging from the devastation caused by its civil war. However, the country ranks near the bottom of most global indices. According to available data, it appears that the current status quo will continue in the short-term. Moderate gains have been made in terms of government reforms. However,... MoreTuesday, March 9, 2010Nepal DiagnosticSince 2006, Nepal's risk of conflict has marginally increased. While the 2006 risk index was 5.96, current estimates suggest an increase to 6.34. While governance and political stability, militarization, demographic stress, human development, and international linkages have improved since 2006, indicators demonstrating history of armed conflict,... MoreMonday, March 8, 2010Solomon Islands DiagnosticAfter discovering alluvial gold on Guadalcanal in 1568, Spanish explorer Alvaro de Mendana, believing he had found the source of King Solomon’s great wealth, fittingly named his findings the Isles of Solomon.i The islands, which eventually became a British colony, were a ... MoreSaturday, January 9, 2010Somalia BriefSomalia has had no effective government since 1991. According to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, Somalia is the most pressing humanitarian emergency, even worse than the crisis in Darfur, Sudan. The current instability in Somalia is rooted in many factors such as war, famine, corruption, warlords and external interventions. The Somali society is... MoreSaturday, January 9, 2010CIFP Yemen ProfileCIFP Yemen... MoreSaturday, January 9, 2010CIFP Yemen BriefThe evolution towards Yemeni statehood can be viewed as the convergence of two separate and conflicting societies. North Yemen, know known as the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR), was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until its dissolution. In sharp contrast, South Yemen was ruled by the British until 1937 when it became a crown colony.... MoreTuesday, July 14, 2009IPI MEETNOTE-WORKSHOP SUMMARYOn June 11 and 12, 2009, the International Peace Institute (IPI) convened an experts’ workshop as part of an ongoing project called Understanding Local Context. The project aims to improve understanding of how international actors grapple with local context and dynamics in the countries where they work. It asks two basic questions: 1. What... MoreFriday, July 3, 2009Global Responsibility to Protect – The Role Of Regional OrganisationsGlobal Responsibility to Protect - The Role Of Regional... MoreThursday, March 5, 2009UKRAINE A Risk Assessment BriefWith the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine declared independence on August 24, 1991. The Ukrainian constitution was adopted in June 1996, providing for a democratic, pluralistic political system with the protection of basic human rights and liberties, including guarantees for freedoms such as religion and speech. These rights have been largely... MoreTuesday, March 3, 2009Haiti A Risk Assessment Brief 2009The outcome of a formal slave uprising, Haiti was founded in 1804 as the first Black republic. Following an armed struggle and financial compensation to the former French settlers, efforts to rebuild the economy and political system provoked internal unrest, providing the foundations of Haiti’s current instability. Toussaint Louverture, the... MoreTuesday, March 3, 2009Somalia A Risk Assessment Brief 2009Somalia has had no effective government since 1991. According to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, Somalia is the most pressing humanitarian emergency, even worse than the crisis in Darfur, Sudan.1 The current instability in Somalia is rooted in many factors such as war, famine, corruption, warlords and external interventions. The Somali society is... MoreThursday, December 11, 2008GPTF ReportThe year 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. It is also the 20th anniversary of the ratification of this treaty by the United States. As Americans consider our country’s role in the world in the years to come, we are convinced that... MoreSaturday, July 26, 2008New Tools, New Challenges Conflict Prevention WorkshopThe workshop began with an introduction from David Carment to introduce the utility of fragility as an organizing concept for understanding entry points for prevention, particularly in the context of recommendations for policy making. He explained that CIFP has moved from classifying states according to degree of fragility alone, and now considers... MoreFriday, July 4, 2008CSIS-PCR Early Warning AssessmentImprovements in anticipation, analysis and planning are all critical for successful engagement in international conflicts. Too often, policymakers are surprised or unprepared for the resulting chaos and violence that transpires when other societies disintegrate, and they typically respond with a series of reactive and non-integrated actions.... MoreFriday, July 4, 2008DAC-OECD Early Warning AssessmentThe aim of this study is to support the efforts of OECD DAC members and others to better integrate conflict early warning analysis and response into their programming. The study is based on a review of the literature on early warning and response and inputs from surveyed agencies. It seeks to assess the value... More« Previous Page 1 … Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: