The following is a list of potential thesis supervisors who have identified themselves as available to oversee students taking the Climate Change Specialization in the completion of a thesis.  The thesis needs to be submitted for approval by the coordinator via the Thesis Topic Form.

Program Advisor Research Area
Anthropology Blair Rutherford Politics and possibilities of international development, civil society in Africa; rural livelihoods in Africa; anthropology of citizenship, gender, race, and the state; colonialism/post-colonialism/decolonization; migration; public anthropology.
Danielle Dinovelli-Lang Politics and possibilities of international development, civil society in Africa; rural livelihoods in Africa; anthropology of citizenship, gender, race, and the state; colonialism/post-colonialism/decolonization; migration; public anthropology.
English Brenda Vellino Indigenous cultural studies, transitional justice and cultural studies, contemporary poetry studies, and contemporary theatre studies.
Barbara Leckie climate change and the humanities, nineteenth-century print culture and narratives of social reform, and social and cultural theory.
Geography Derek Smith  Use, management and conservation of forests, local environmental knowledges, impacts of climate change on natural resource use
Dipto Sarkar  Biodiversity, climate change and their social impacts
Emilie Cameron  Climate justice, climate politics, climate knowledges, Nunavut
Jennifer Ridgley  “Climate migration”, the policing and surveillance of climate activists
Karen Hébert  Environmental politics, resource industries, and struggles over sustainability in Alaska
Pablo Mendez  Sustainable transportation and housing affordability; low-carbon transitions and urban design
Jill Wigle Planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities
Derek Mueller  Indicators and impacts of climate change in the cryosphere
Elyn Humphreys  Carbon cycle science in tundra and wetland ecosystems
Jesse Vermaire  Paleolimnology and paleoecology dealing with Holocene climate change and impacts on aquatic ecosystems
Koreen Millard  Remote sensing of changing landscapes, particularly wetlands/peatlands but not exclusively
Scott Mitchell  Changing extreme weather regimes and impacts on risks in agricultural production
Alexis Shotwell Impurity and imperfection as a basis for action, environmental justice, racial formation, disability, unspeakable and unspoken knowledge, sexuality, gender, and collective political transformation.
Stephan Gruber  Permafrost and climate change, in polar and mountain regions
Communications Chris Russill problems of disinformation and denial in their relevance to climate action
Siobhan Angus the intersections of art history, media studies, and the environmental humanities
Economics Maya Papineau economics of climate change, energy efficiency policy, renewable energy, sustainable development
Political Economy Peter Andree Canadian and International Environmental Politics
Sustainable Energy Graeme Auld comparative and global environmental politics and policy; international political economy; transnational private governance and private regulation; corporate social responsibility; climate change; natural resource governance
Vivian Hoffmann agricultural extension; science, technology and innovation; health
Alexandra Mallett sustainable energy and climate policy; emerging economies / developing countries; low carbon technology cooperation; innovation, science and technology policies
James Meadowcroft  Low-carbon transition; environmental policy; sustainable development; energy policy; climate change; comparative environmental politics and policy
Lisa Mills maternal and reproductive health policy in the developing world, particularly Mexico; social policy in Mexico; the political economy of development; theories of development
Stephan Schott natural resource management; air quality control policy; northern development; common pool resources; experimental economics; energy policy and strategies
Management Sujit Sur Management
Architecture Manuel Baez  inter-relationships between design, culture and the evolution of technology and science parallels between Indigenous knowledge and worldviews and the origins of Western science as they related to Climate Change and environmental crises.
Katie Bonier  historical analysis and  futuristic visions that center on the shaping of the built environment around water, technology, infrastructural systems, and competing ideas of health and balance.
Sheryl Boyle  immersive materials research and innovative design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) processes, including work in concrete and lime, cellulose, historic pigments and construction systems that participate in a circular economy.
Jake Chakasim  community design informed by Architecture, Engineering, and Indigenous Planning Principles. Research focus is on resiliency, which includes social, political, environmental, and economic aspects associated with the internal migration and/or forced displacement of indigenous communities (deemed a type of ‘domestic’ diaspora).
Zach Colbert  address architecture’s role in the hydrocarbon world-systems of modernity in search of new paradigms, narratives, and real adaptations for collective and carbon-less approaches to architecture and urbanization.
Mariana Esponda  Sustainable Heritage Conservation and adaptive reuse, balancing cultural and natural heritage, integrating environmental construction techniques, social and economic practices.
Natalia Escobar Castrillon  relationships between social and environmental injustice and contemporary issues such as climate change, mental health and social isolation, places in conflict, critical heritage studies, spatial and urban segregation, representation of complex identities, and design for protest and cultural resistance, among others.
Jerry Hacker  Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, Circular Economy / Affordable Housing, Loneliness, Affordable Housing. Considering how the built environment impacts loneliness, isolation, and social interaction. Transforming the notion of affordable housing from a place to sleep into a mindset in which all are entitled to quality shelter.
Suzy Harris-Brandts  agency of landscape and ecological urbanism, alongside speculative futures and what has been called ‘more-than human’ agency. interdisciplinary research that brings together concepts from critical urban theory, human geography, international development, landscape architecture, and architectural design.
Lisa Moffitt  making visible ways in which buildings and landscapes materially alter, impact, and construct new environments in light of climate breakdown; working with complex material systems at scale by designing, prototyping, and photographing environmental models–mostly of air, but shifting to soil/earth and other regenerative building materials.
Susan Ross  relationship between heritage and waste; sustainable heritage conservation; Waste, deconstruction and heritage values; Environmental history/sustainable conservation of wood in modern architecture; Traditional environmental design and appropriate technologies.
Ozayr Saloojee  politically contested terrains and infrastructure through the entanglements of architecture, landscape, cultural geographies, and geo-imaginaries.
Mario Santana  Historic buildings digitalization, adaptive reuse of historic buildings, climate adaptation of historic buildings
Engineering (Aeropsace, Materials, or Mechanical Engineering)

Cynthia Cruickshank Energy Efficient Buildings
Ian Beausoliel-Morrison Energy Efficient Buildings
Jean Duquette Thermal Energy Storage, District Energy Grids
Ahmed Abdulla Alternative Pathways for the Energy Transition
Kristen Schell Alternative Pathways for the Energy Transition
Matthew Johnson Methane Emissions Monitoring
Reza Kholghy Energy and Particle Technology for Hydrogen Generation
David MacPhee Wastewater and Agricultural Aeration, Thermal Energy Storage
Computer Engineering Gabriel Wainer modeling and simulation with applications to climate change.
Electrical Engineering Mohamed Ibnkahla IoT
Environmental or Civil Engineering Elisabeth Gilmore intersection of technology and policy to tackle climate change
Jenn Drake Smart, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities and Environments
Liam O’Brien Building performace and sustainability
Elie Azar Urban Sustainability, Building performance simulation
  Thomas Walker Environmental Engineering