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ICCJ Fall Colloquium Oct 17th: Justice and Security in Critical Criminology

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Justice and Security in Critical Criminology:
Examining Violent Extremism and Youth Penalization in Canada and Brazil

The Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice (ICCJ) kindly invites you to join us at the ICCJ Fall 2023 Colloquium “Justice and Security in Critical Criminology: Examining Violent Extremism and Youth Penalization in Canada and Brazil” with our visiting scholar Helena Wilke and post doctorate fellow Kristopher Millett.

This is a dual presentation that will address the subjects of restorative justice and UN policies in the context of Brazil, presented by Helena Wilke, as well as the topics of radicalization, CVE (countering violent extremism), and ethnography in Canada, which will be discussed by Kristopher Millet.

This is a FREE event. All are welcome. Light food and refreshments will be available.