The Effects of Defendant Race and Expert Testimony on Jurors’ Perceptions of Recanted Confessions
Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 2:30 pm to 7:00 am
- In-person event
- SA304, Southam Hall (Kailash Mital Theatre), Carleton University
- 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
The Effects of Defendant Race and Expert Testimony on Jurors’ Perceptions of Recanted Confessions: Preliminary Comparisons between Samples from Canada and the United States
Dr. Logan Ewanation

This talk will present research I have conducted with colleagues which
has examined the interactive effects of defendant race and expert
testimony on White jurors’ perceptions of recanted confessions.
Preliminary results suggest evidence of a watchdog effect with
American, but not Canadian, White mock jurors. This finding comports
with general research suggesting that many Canadians are either
unaware of, or do not acknowledge, discrimination faced by
Indigenous peoples.
To see further details about this event, please click here.