Current Students
New Students
If you are a “new” student to Carleton, take a moment to read through the Criminology program requirements to see the courses Criminology students are required take for the major and concentrations. You may wish to contact us, if you have questions about your course requirements.
If you are a “new transfer” student you should contact our office immediately upon receipt of your acceptance. This should be done before the registration period beings.
All students should consult with our office if you do not understand the statement written in the Carleton Calendar or on your academic audit about the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CCJ ELECTIVES ALLOWED!
Call 613-520-2588!
Advising Tips
The BA in Criminology and Criminal Justice is subject to periodic curriculum changes. These changes could affect course selection and/or students making any program changes. If you plan to make a program change, please contact the Institute for advising at BEFORE making the change. We want to ensure that you meet degree requirements or don’t exceed the maximum number of CCJ Electives; both of which could jeopardize your graduation.
Always follow your academic audit! You can view it in Carleton Central. It lists your program requirements specific to you. For example, if we introduce a brand new course for the first time, if your audit says you need it, you do, but if your audit doesn’t say you need it, than you don’t. Always follow your academic audit.
Minor in Criminology and Criminal Justice
This minor will be available to students who are not in the Criminology and Criminal Justice major. You will learn about criminal justice policy and institutions (e.g. crime prevention, surveillance, policing, criminal courts, corrections), criminological theories, contemporary issues in criminalization and punishment, and restorative and transformative justice initiatives. You can orient your Minor towards either legal or sociological perspectives on crime and punishment. Choosing from a variety of more specialized courses and seminars, you will also interact with more comprehensive and sophisticated topical and theoretical issues in specific areas. For more information, please click here.