Transfer Students

Transfer students admitted to Carleton University come from a variety of educational backgrounds and receive transfer credits on admission to a degree program. Transfer credits can affect things such as year standing and course registration choices. This means you may require registration assistance with course selection.
Quick Tips:
- Your Academic Audit is your ‘road map’. It tells you the courses you need in order to complete your degree and shows what you already have completed, including your transfer credits.
- Transferred courses do not have a grade associated with them, only a “TR” designation for transfer. They contribute to the “Program Credits Completed” but not to the calculation of the Overall or Major CGPAs.
- Transfer credits may be evaluated as a generic credit (e.g. 1XXX) or as an exact equivalent to a Carleton course (e.g. 1001). If you have questions about the transfer credits you were awarded, please contact Admissions Services at
- If you have questions about how your transfer credits are counting toward your degree program, what courses to register in, or any other general questions about the program or university, contact the Criminology office for advising. We strongly recommend that all students entering the criminology program with transfer credits seek advising prior to registration.
- A full-time course load at Carleton is a maximum of 5.0 credits per year. This generally works out to 5 classes (2.5 credits) per semester. Many students choose to do 4 courses or fewer per semester instead. Please seek advising to discuss course sequencing for lighter course loads.
- Carleton registration for the full academic year (both fall and winter) is completed at the same time so make sure that you select courses for both semesters when you register.
- College graduates may find the transition to large classes and a more rigorous academic approach challenging. Make use of the support services available at the University, such as the Academic Advising Centre (AAC) and the Center for Student Academic Support (CSAS) which offers learning and writing support services.
- Student involvement in university life has been shown to contribute to academic success. Join one of our three ICCJ student groups and the Transfer Student Facebook group, where you will have an opportunity to meet fellow transfer students and ask questions in an open and informal setting.