Dawn Moore
![A photo of Dawn Moore, Professor, cross-appointed faculty member in Criminology at Carleton University.](https://carleton.ca/criminology/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/DawnMoore-400x400px.jpg)
I am currently completing a SSHRC funded project on police responses to domestic violence. The book manuscript, under contract with Routledge, is entitled ‘Making Victims’ and explores the use of evidence and expertise in the policing and prosecution of domestic violence. This project is a collaboration with individuals who have lived experience of domestic violence and incorporates photography as well as poetry and prose from collaborators to dismantle the victim ontology and interrogate the apparatuses through which those who have been victimized become ‘victims’ in the eyes of both juridical and social service systems. This project builds on my previous work concerning the constitution of criminalized subjectivities, explored through the lens of drug treatment courts. I have an ongoing interest in the ‘characters’ of criminal justice and the ways in which people are made up in order to be governed.
I am the primary investigator on the Prison Transparency Project, a two phase, multi-year collaborative study of transparency and accountability in prisons in Canada, Argentina and Spain. Working in collaboration with a team of scholars from the above countries as well as advocates, activists and watchdogs, our aim is to map what we call ‘cultures of transparency’ and to develop international networks of activists, scholars and watchdogs.
I am available to provide expert testimony on prison conditions, lockdowns, segregation, human rights abuses in prisons and the mental health of prisoners. I am also an expert in responses to domestic violence including policing, health care and child protective services.