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BA Program

The Bachelor of Arts program in Criminology and Criminal Justice:

Includes courses in Criminology, Law, Psychology, and Sociology.
Three optional concentrations provide opportunity to delve further into one of the three areas Law, Sociology, or Mind and Behaviour. This allows you to tailor your program to your specific interests and career goals.

The remaining elective course requirements are chosen from other subjects offered at the University, and also allow for the addition of a minor if desired.


Bachelor of Arts, Honours, in Criminology and Criminal Justice:

20.0 credits required.

The 20.0 credit (Honours) program offers a comprehensive approach to the field and provides students with the opportunity to receive an in-depth knowledge of research methods to prepare them for the Honours Research Project and other advanced topics offered in 4000-level courses.

1000-levelIntroductory courses in Criminology, Law, Psychology, and Sociology.
Electives in subjects of choice. First Year Seminars are recommended, but not mandatory.
2000-levelForensic Psychology, theories of criminal and deviant behaviour, the relationship between crime and social structures, Canadian Criminal Law, and Criminological Theories. Concentration requirements begin.
3000-levelMore specialized areas of criminology and criminal justice such as theories of assessment and treatment of offenders, selected issues within the criminal justice system, historical perspectives of crime, critical analysis of criminal law processes, or theories of punishment.
The Field Placement Practicum can be completed in 3rd OR 4th year. The placement is supplemented by a seminar course, which allows opportunities to share field placement experiences, discuss current criminal justice issues and learn from guest speakers with expertise in various areas of the criminal justice system. Students must apply by May 1st.
4000-levelThe Honours Thesis requires a Major CGPA of 10.0 (A-) and is conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty member from Criminology, Law, Psychology or Sociology.
Advanced topic fourth year seminar courses.
The Honours program provides a solid foundation for graduate or professional studies or careers requiring research skills in Criminology.

Detailed curriculum information on the BA Honours:
BA Honours program as of May 2024

Bachelor of Arts, in Criminology and Criminal Justice

15.0 credits required.

The 15.0 credit program is available only to currently registered students after admission and to graduates of the Police Foundations program at Algonquin College through Articulation Agreement. Most 4000-level seminar courses and the Honours Research Project are not available in this program.

Detailed curriculum information on the 15.0 credit program:
15.0 credit program as of May 2024