Jessica Marino, PhD Candidate in the Cultural Mediations program, contributed a lecture to the Hear Our Voices: Holocaust Survivors Share their Stories of Trauma and Hate project or HOV. HOV is a bilingual online course that aims to educate students on the Holocaust and Antisemitism by placing the voices of Holocaust survivors at its centre. The project is led by Prof. Deidre Butler, and coordinated by ICSLAC PhD Candidate, Marie-Catherine Allard. It has been developed in conjunction with Carleton University’s Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, Concordia University, The University of Ottawa, Nipissing University and eCampus Ontario. Jessica’s contribution was in the form of a guest lecture for Module 5: “Memory and the Holocaust.”  (Marino, Jessica. “HOV Module 5: Memory and the Holocaust: An Introduction.” Hear Our Voices: Holocaust Survivors Share their Stories of Trauma and Hate/ Écoutez nos Voix! Survivants de la Shoah partagent leurs moments de haine et de traumatismes, eCampus Ontario and the Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, 2022, For more information about HOV, see and For more information on Jessica’s work, her graduate profile is accessible here.