Garry Tarr

Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus
Silicon semiconductor device physics and technology: device design, fabrication processes, characterization, modelling and application in integrated circuits and optoelectronics; monolithic integration of optical components with CMOS electronics for sensing and communications;
integrated waveguide optical devices in silicon-on-insulator; silicon sensors for ionizing radiation for biomedical applications; silicon photovoltaics.
Silicon-based biomedical sensors; components for optical telecommunications and optical interconnect, and photovoltaics.
Recent Journal Articles
R.H. Griffin, O. Mozenson, M. A. Beking, M. C. DeRosa, G. Lopinski and N.G. Tarr, “Quantitative Radiolabeled Biomolecule Detection Using a Functionalized CMOS Sensor”, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. April 2014
M. Arsalan, A. Shamim, M. Shams, N.G. Tarr and L. Roy, “Ultra Low Power CMOS-Based Sensor for On-Body Radiation Dose Measurements”, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. PP, issue 99, p. 1 (2012).
P. Chyurlia, H. Tang, F. Semond, J.A. Bardwell, T. Lester, S. Rolfe, andN.G. Tarr. “GaN HEMT and MOS monolithic integration on Silicon substrates”, Physica Status Solidi C 8, p 2210-12, 2011(IWN-2010 special edition).
D.F. Logan, A.P. Knights, P.E. Jessop, N.G. Tarr, Defect-enhanced photo-detection at 1550 nm in a silicon waveguide formed via LOCOS, Semiconductor Science and Technology 26, p 045009 (7 pp.), April 2011.
P. Chyurlia, F.Semond, T. Lester, J.A. Bardwell, S. Rolfe, H. Tang and N.G. Tarr, “Monolithic integration of AlGaN/GaN HFET with MOS on silicon <111> substrates”, Electronics Lett. 46, p.240-2 (2010).
A. Shamim, M. Arsalan, L. Roy, M. Shams and N.G. Tarr, “Wireless dosimeter: system-on-chip versus system-in-package for biomedical and space applications”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems 55, p 643-647 (2008).
S.P. McGarry and N.G. Tarr, “Fabrication and modelling of screen-printed active electrolytic polymer devices”, Semiconductor Sci. Technol. 23, p 055009 (2008).
P.E. Jessop, L.K. Rowe, S.M. McFaul, A.P. Knights, A. Tam and N.G. Tarr, “Monolithic Integration of Sub-bandgap Detection, Signal Amplification and Optical Attenuation on a Silicon Photonic Chip”, accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, February 2008.
A. Shamim, L. Roy, N. Fong and N.G. Tarr, “24 GHz on-chip antennas and balun on bulk Si for air transmission”, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation 56, p 303-311 (2008).
D. Celo, R.Vandusen, T. Smy, J. Albert, N.G. Tarr and P.D. Waldron, “Low temperature plasma etching for Si3N4 waveguide applications”, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A. 26, p 253-258 (2008).
L.K. Rowe, M. Elsey, N.G. Tarr, A.P. Knights and E. Post, “CMOS-compatible optical rib waveguides defined by local oxidation of silicon”, Electronics Lett. 43, p 392-3 (2007).
Recent Conference Papers:
R.H. Griffin and N.G. Tarr, “Optical image sensors and their application in radon detection”, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 8915, p 89151C (7 pp.), 2013 (presented at Photonics North, Ottawa, June 2013)
R.H. Griffin, O. Mozenson, M. Beking, M.C. DeRosa, G. Lopinski and N.G. Tarr, “Quantitative radiolabelled biomolecule detection using a functionalized CMOS sensor”, 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conf. Record (NSS/MIC 2012), p. 2048-52. 2012, presented at IEEE NSS Anaheim. CA, 2012.
R.H. Griffin, A. Kochermin, N.G. Tarr, H. McIntosh, H. Ding, J. Weber and R. Falcomer, “Sensitive, fast-responding passive electrostatic radon monitor “, Proc. 2011 IEEE Sensors, p 1074-1077, Cork, Ireland, October 2011.
A.W. Tam, M. Ibrahim, B. Lamontagne, N.G. Tarr, W.N.Ye, S. Janz, and Danxia Xu, “Deep submicron LOCOS-defined SOI photonic wire waveguides”, 2011 IEEE 8th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), p 249-51, 2011, London, U.K. September 2011.
H.S. Saini, T.W. MacElwee, A. Rankin, J. Wojcik, A.M. Miles, N.G. Tarr, and P. Mascher, “SOI back reflector for Tb-doped oxide electroluminescent devices”, Proceedings of SPIE, v 8007, p 800710 (8 pp.), 2011, presented at SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, May 2011.
S. Li, N.G. Tarr and P. Berini, “Schottky photodetector integration on LOCOS-defined SOI waveguides” Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7750, 2010, Photonics North 2010, presented at SPIE Photonics North, Niagara Falls, May 2010.
J. Du, L.P. Berndt, and N.G. Tarr, “Silicon solar cells with polysilicon emitters and back surface fields”, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7750, 2010, presented at SPIE Photonics North, Niagara Falls, May 2010.
S. Demtchenko, S.P. McGarry, P. Gordon, S. Barry and N.G. Tarr, “Characterization and assessment of a novel hybrid organic/inorganic metal-insulator-semiconductor structure for photovoltaic applications” Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7750, 2010, Photonics North 2010.
R.H. Griffin, H. Le, D.T. Jack, A. Kochermin and N.G. Tarr, “Radon monitor using custom alpha-detecting MOS IC”, IEEE Sensors 2008, Lecce, Italy, October 2008.
R.H. Griffin, H. Le, D.T. Jack and N.G. Tarr, “Alpha RAM: An Alpha Particle Detecting MOS IC for Radon Monitoring”, CMC Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference (MNRC 2008), Ottawa, October 2008.
F.Y. Gardes, G.T. Reed, A.P. Knights, G. Mashanovich, P.E. Jessop, L. Rowe, S. McFaul, D. Bruce, and N.G. Tarr, “Sub-micron Optical Waveguides for Silicon Photonics formed via the Local Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS)”, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, January 2008, SPIE publication 6898 R-1-4.
D. Logan, A. P. Knights, P. E. Jessop, and N. G. Tarr, “Design of Integrated LOCOS Waveguide Photodetector on SOI, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, January 2008, SPIE publication 6898 J-1-10.
M. Li, R.G. Harrison, R.E. Amaya, J.-M. Duchamp, P. Ferrari, and N.G. Tarr, “CMOS varactors in NLTL pulse-compression applications”, 37th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2007 Proceedings, Munich, September 2007, p 1405-8.