DOE Laptop Requirement
DoE Laptop Requirement
The Department of Electronics requires that you have a laptop that meets recommended hardware specifications. These hardware recommendations will allow you to have a laptop that is equipped for your Electronics courses.
Please note the laptop requirement will only apply to any students who are physically taking courses on campus. At home, a desktop computer meeting the laptop specification is adequate.
Who is required to have a laptop?
Everyone enrolled in a 1st-year ELEC course after the 2020/21 school year is required to have a laptop. This includes ECOR 1043, and 1044. Students are expected to retain this laptop for use in subsequent years until the completion of their studies. Not all upper-year courses will require a laptop in class. For those that do, it will be noted in the course outline.
Laptop Specifications
Windows based laptops with the following minimum specifications:
- CPU: Intel i5/i7/i9/Xeon or AMD Ryzen line
- 16 GB or more of RAM
- 256 GB or larger hard drive (SSD drive recommended)
- wireless networking (WiFi)
- camera, mic, and audio
Computers such as Netbooks, Chromebooks, Smartphones or Atom processors are not suitable for the Electronics program.
Please note the department does not support MacOS systems and doesn’t recommend them for ELEC course work. You can purchase and use a Mac based computer but you might experience some issues accessing the Department’s computing network.