In this series of posts we will be looking at various notable accomplishments by our faculty members and the department as a whole. Starting this week with Professor Achim Hurrelmann.

In March 2019, Professor Hurrelmann launched a new research project on “The Reconfiguration of Canada-Europe Relations after Brexit”, in collaboration with Petra Dolata, Patrick Leblond, and Frédéric Mérand, funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant. You can read more about this story at this link.

Professor Hurrelmann also coordinated the successful application for new EU funding, from the Erasmus+ Programme, for Carleton’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is one of the main projects housed in the Centre for European Studies, which Professor Hurrelmann co-directs with Professor Joan DeBardeleben. The grant was awarded in July 2019.

In August 2019, Professor Hurrelmann was awarded the “Excellence in Blended and Online Teaching Award” by the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning). The award recognized the development and delivery of his summer course, EURR 5108, Canada-EU Relations, which Professor Hurrelmann transformed into a blended (part-online) format in 2016. In Summer 2019, the course included, for the first time, eight guest students from European universities (University of Antwerp, University of Latvia, Technical University Darmstadt, Technical University Munich). It will be offered again in Summer of 2020.

Last month, Professor Hurrelmann was the keynote speaker for the opening of the Jean Monnet Chair “The Future of the EU post-Brexit” at MacEwan University in Edmonton. A video of his lecture, titled “Why Brexit Matters for Canada”, and a podcast Professor Hurrelmann recorded with Dr. Andrea Wagner, are available at:

Publications that appeared in the past year include:

  • Hurrelmann, A. and Wagner, A. (2020), “Did the Eurozone Crisis Undermine the European Union’s Legitimacy? An Analysis of Newspaper Reporting, 2009-2014”, Comparative European Politics, Online First, DOI: 10.1057/s41295-020-00205-6.
  • Hurrelmann, A., Kerr, S., Gora, A., and Eibl, P. (2019), “Framing the Eurozone Crisis in National Parliaments: Is the Economic Cleavage Really Declining?”, Journal of European Integration, Online First, DOI:10.1080/07036337.2019.1658755.
  • Hurrelmann, A., Atikcan, E.Ö., Chalmers, A.W., and Viju-Miljusevic, C. (2019), “Political Controversy about International Economic Agreements: Lessons for Canada-UK Trade Negotiations after Brexit”, International Journal 74:3, 453-462.
  • Hurrelmann, A. (2019), “Legitimacy and European Union Politics”, in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Online Publication, DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1112.
  • Hurrelmann, A. and DeBardeleben, J. (2019), “Demoi-cracy: A Useful Framework for Theorizing the Democratization of Multilevel Governance?”, in: N. Behnke, J. Broschek and J. Sonnicksen, eds., Configurations, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Multilevel Governance, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 293-310.