Jeff Sahadeo
Professor – Russian and Eurasian History, Contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus
Degrees: | BA (Simon Fraser) MA (Carleton) PhD (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
Phone: | 613-520-2600 x 2996 |
Email: | jeff.sahadeo@carleton.ca |
Office: | 3305 Richcraft Hall (former River Building) |
CV: | View |
Research Interests Related to European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Russian, East European, and Eurasian history; Empire and imperialism in Russia and Central Asia; diaspora and migration; contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus; nationalism and minorities; comparative colonialisms.
Current Research Projects
- Rivers and Societies in Tsarist and Soviet Georgia (funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant)
- Director of Migration Research Laboratory, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
- The Impact of History and Memory on Ethnic Relations in Kyrgyzstan (in conjunction with the Global Centre for Pluralism)
- The Multinational Soviet City: Caucasus and Central Asian Migration to Leningrad and Moscow, 1945-1991 (funded by a SSHRC standard research grant)
Areas of Current Teaching
- EURR 5001 Interdisciplinary Seminar in European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
- EURR 5010 Research Design and Methodology in European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
- EURR 4305/5305 and HIST 4607: Imperial Russia and the Russian Revolution
- EURR 4306/5306 and HIST 4608: Culture and Power in the Soviet Union
- PSCI 4503: Politics of Central Eurasia
- PSCI 4504: Politics of the Caucasus and the Caspian Basin
- PSCI 3105: Imperialism
- EURR 5202: Nazism and Stalinism (co-taught with Professor James Casteel)
Selected Publications Relating to European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
- Voices from the Soviet Edge: Southern Migrants in Leningrad and Moscow (in press, Cornell University Press; publication Spring 2019)
- Russian Colonial Society in Tashkent, 1865-1923 (Indiana University Press, 2007).
- Everyday Life in Central Asia, Past and Present (co-editor, with Russell Zanca), (Indiana University Press, 2007).
- “Introduction: Forum: Oral History and Memory in Soviet Central Asia” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 20, no, 2 (2019): 227-36.
- “Black Snouts Go Home! Migration and Race in Late Soviet Leningrad and Moscow,” Journal of Modern History 88, no.4 (2016): 797-826.
- “We’re Exceptional Too!: Power, Peripheries and Imperial Connections. Julian Go’s Patterns of Empire Viewed from the Russian Borderlands” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 34, no. 3 (2014): 630-6.
- “Soviet Blacks and Place Making in Leningrad and Moscow” Slavic Review, 71, no. 2 (Summer 2012): 331-358.
- “The Accidental Traders: Marginalization and Opportunity from the Southern Republics to Late Soviet Moscow” Central Asian Survey 30, nos. 3-4 (2011): 521-540 (republished in Movement, Power and Place in Central Asia: Contested Trajectories (London: Routledge, 2012).
- “Visions of Empire: Russia’s Place in an Imperial World” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 11, no. 2 (Spring 2010): 381-409.
- “Epidemic and Empire: Ethnicity, Class, and ‘Civilization’ in the 1892 Tashkent Cholera Riot” Slavic Review 64, no. 1 (Spring 2005): 117-139.
- “Empire of Memories: Conquest and Civilization in Imperial Russian Tashkent” Canadian Slavonic Papers XLVI no. 1-2 (March-June 2004): 395-417.
- “Springtime for Central Asia? Belts and Roads, Partnerships and Risks Amid Global Realignment” In The New World Disorder: Challenges and Threats in an Uncertain World ed. J.L. Black, Michael Johns and Alanda D. Theriault (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019).
- “History, Memory and the Quest for Conflict Resolution in Southern Kyrgyzstan and the Ferghana Valley” In Interrogating Liberal Peace in Eurasia: Critical Perspectives on Peace and Conflict. Ed. Catherine Owen, Shairbek Juraev and Nicholas Megoran (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), 25-54.
- “Russia and Central Asia: Does the Tail Wag the Dog?” In Russia after 2012: From Putin to Medvedev to Putin. Continuity, Change, or Revolution, ed. J. Larry Black and Michael Johns (Routledge, 2013), 167-183.
- “Regional Histories, Critical Thought, and the University of Central Asia: Between Global and Local, North and South” Globalization on the Margins: Education and Postsocialist Reform in Central Asia ed. Iveta Silova (Information Age Publishing, 2011), 95-116.
- “Without the Past There is No Future: Archives, Authority, and History in Uzbekistan” in Archive Stories: Facts, Fictions, and the Writing of History ed. Antoinette Burton (Duke University Press, 2005), 44-67.
- Making Caucasians Black: Racism and Street Trade on the Streets of Soviet Moscow” McGill University, University of Toronto and Queens University, January 2020.
- “From Southern Farms to Northern Tables, Soviet Style” Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, November 2019, San Francisco, CA.
- “White Water to White Coal: the Mtkvari River in Late Imperial and Early Soviet Tbilisi” Free University of Tbilisi, Georgia, May 2019.
- “Crumbling from the Outside In: Perestroika-Era Migration to the Soviet Core” University of Basel, Switzerland, 12 September 2018.
- “The Kura River: Power, Image and Culture in the South Caucasus” Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, November 2017, Chicago IL
- “Soviet Moscow as a Global City: Migration and Postcolonialism” South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, April 2017.
- Speaker, Workshop for the Commission on the Development of Historical Science under the Apparatus of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, December 2016.
- Committee Member, Reginald Zelnik Prize for Best Book in History, Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, 2018-9
- CBC Morning on Expulsion of Russian Diplomats, 26 March 2018
- South Ural State Television, Migration in the Soviet Union and Russia, April 2017
- CTV appearances on Euro-Atlantic Relations 17 February and 24 April 2016
- ABC News on John Kerry trip to Central Asia, 2 November 2015
- CFRA radio on Syria and Russia, 15 October and 24 November 2015
- Media Appearances on Crisis in Ukraine, 2013-4:
- The National, 22 April 2014
- CTV Powerplay 22 April 2014
- Globe and Mail article on Moldova and Ukraine, 20 March 2014
- EURUS Blog on Crisis on Ukraine, Entries March-April 2014
- Hays Advantage, Bloomberg News, 15 March 2014
- CFRA Radio, 24 and 27 February, 4 and 25 March, 2 September 2014
- The Agenda, TVO, 24 February 2014
- CTV Newsnet, 5 August and 1 September 2014