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The Transgender Media Portal is hiring!

The TMP is an online, collaborative website and database that aims to make audiovisual work by trans, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, and gender-nonconforming people more available to artists, activists, researchers, instructors, and the public. In this position, you would help Carleton professor Laura Horak (Film Studies) and her research team investigate trans cinema history and build the TMP.


Duration: September 1, 2019-April 30, 2020
Salary: $15/hour
Total hours: 150 (6-7 hours per week during the academic semester)

Must be a currently-enrolled Carleton University undergraduate student

Application deadline: August 31, 2019, or until the position is filled

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Trans, queer, Black, and Indigenous candidates and candidates of color are especially encouraged to apply.

This position could be filled by a student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/Faculty of Public Affairs or a student in the Faculty of Engineering and Design/Faculty of Science.

A Student from Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/Faculty of Public Affairs


  • Research trans-made films in film festival programs
  • Enter information about trans-made films into the pilot online Transgender Media Portal and provide feedback on the TMP
  • Help organize a community consultation/usability test of the TMP with Ottawa-area trans artists, activists, and curators
  • Help organize a public screening event
  • Coordinate TMP’s social media presence
  • Write blog entries about your work on the TMP for the project website
  • Present the project at the year-end I-CUREUS symposium

Previous skills and experience:

  • Research, writing, clear communication, good time management, organized, independent worker
  • Previous experience with trans art and activism a plus

A Student from Faculty of Engineering and Design/Faculty of Science


  • Help design, implement, test, and refine the Transgender Media Portal using Drupal 8 in collaboration with the project’s lead developer.
  • Enter information about trans-made films into the pilot online Transgender Media Portal and provide feedback on the TMP
  • Help organize a community consultation/usability test of the TMP with Ottawa-area trans artists, activists, and curators
  • Write blog entries about your work on the TMP for the project website
  • Present the project at the year-end I-CUREUS symposium

Previous skills and experience:

  • Any of the following: Frontend design, user experience design, graphic design, database design, experience with content management systems (especially with Drupal 8), experience with usability testing
  • Clear communication, good time management, organized, independent worker
  • Previous experience with trans art and activism a plus

To apply, email the following materials to by August 31, 2019.

  • Brief cover letter. Tell me why you want to work on this project and describe any relevant experience you have. Trans, queer, Black, and Indigenous candidates and candidates of color are invited to self-identify in the cover letter.
  • CV (include Carleton student number, Major CGPA, and Overall CGPA)

Note that the position depends on receiving matching funding from Carleton’s I-CUREUS program.