SSAC Contract Instructor Reference Guide 2021-22

(Art and Architectural History, Film Studies, Music)

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  1. SSAC Administrative Support for 2021-22
  2. Administrative Notes and General Information
  3. Regulations and Procedures
  4. The Academic Year – Dates and Deadlines
  5. Textbook Orders
  6. Audio Visual Resource Centre (AVRC)
  7. Library Access and ARES
  8. Classroom and Teaching Support
  9. Brightspace and E-grades
  10. Student Experience Questionnaires (previously named Teaching Evaluations)
  11. General Resources
  12. Mandatory Training – AODA, Workers Health and Safety Awareness and Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention & COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Training
  13. Contract Instructor Orientation

Please contact if you have any questions.