Click here for the full Graduate Calendar entry: program information and course descriptions for the Master of Arts in Film Studies

You are also invited to contact the Graduate Supervisor in Film Studies, Dr. Marc Furstenau

The M.A. Program’s Three Streams

All students working towards an M.A. in Film Studies do so through one of the following three “streams”:

1) the Coursework stream
2) the Research Essay stream
3) the Thesis stream.

Admitted students are placed in the Coursework stream. Students who wish to write a Research Essay or a Thesis must apply to do so in their first year. Students who successfully apply to enter the Research Essay or Thesis stream will generate a research essay or a thesis as the culminating product of their degree, whereas those in the Coursework stream are required only to complete the writing assignments for their courses. All streams are designed to be completed within two years, though the time of completion may vary depending on the student’s rate of progress through the program.

Presented immediately below is an outline of the course requirements for the three streams (information about the current course offerings may be found under the Courses page).

Coursework stream

  1. FILM 5010 and 5020: Film Theory, History, and Critical Methodologies I and II, total of 1.0 credit
  2. 6 additional half-credit elective courses. The electives must reach a total of 3.0 credits
  3. Total credits for the Coursework stream: 4.0

Research Essay stream

  1. FILM 5010 and 5020: Film Theory, History, and Critical Methodologies I and II, total of 1.0 credit
  2. 4 additional half-credit elective courses. The electives must reach a total of 2.0 credits
  3. FILM 5908 M.A. Research Essay, worth 1.0 credits
  4. Total credits for the Research Essay stream: 4.0

Thesis stream

  1. FILM 5010 and 5020: Film Theory, History, and Critical Methodologies I and II, total of 1.0 credit
  2. 3 additional half-credit elective courses, yielding a total of 1.5 credits
  3. FILM 5909 M.A. Thesis, worth 1.5 credits
  4. Total credits for the Thesis stream: 4.0

Second Language Proficiency Requirement

All students, regardless of stream, are also required to demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English before they graduate. We expect students to achieve at least an intermediate level of competence, such that they will be able to have meaningful social and cultural interactions in a modern language other than English.

The language requirement may be satisfied in one of three ways:

1) coursework in another language
2) translation test
3) demonstrating prior language proficiency. See the Graduate Handbook for more information about this requirement.

Applying for the Research Essay or Thesis Stream

Students who wish to apply for the Research Essay or Thesis stream must submit an application by 1 November of their first year in the program. See the Graduate Handbook for more information about how to apply for the Research Essay or Thesis stream.

Students interested in the Research Essay or Thesis stream are advised to consult with Faculty regarding the suitability of their topic and proposal soon after arriving at Carleton.