To prevent any misunderstanding pertaining to the new changes in the hiring process, please read your new CUPE 4600, Unit 2 Collective Agreement available at:

Pursuant to Articles 15 to 18 of the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement and subject to both budgetary and administrative approvals, please be advised that the courses listed below may be offered to contract instructors in the 2014-2015 academic year.  Please note that the University reserves the right to cancel any courses with insufficient registration.

Under Article 15 of the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, candidates must apply in writing indicating the courses they want to teach and submit a CV listing all the courses they have taught at Carleton.  They must also complete a “Contact Instructor Application” form available at: and send all documents to:  Catherine Khordoc (, Chair, Department of French, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5B6 with a copy (cc) to: by Monday, May 26th, 2014.

Should there be any discrepancies between the collective agreement and this memorandum, the Collective Agreement is considered the final authority.

The list of seniority for the Department of French for 2014-2015 can be consulted at the secretaries’ office, 1602 Dunton Tower.

Effective September 1, 2014, the minimum stipend for contract instructors shall be $13,225 for a full course and $6,613 for a half course.

List of Courses

Available for 2014-2015

FREN 1001 [1.0 credit] 2 sections for Fall and Winter terms and 1 section (1.0) for Fall term Intensive.
Elementary French

This course is designed for absolute beginners in the language. Classes use audio-visual methods, and emphasis is given to the spoken language. Introduction to reading and writing. Compulsory attendance. Limited enrolment. No auditors.
Prerequisite: placement test on Carleton Central before registering.
Lecture three hours a week.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. in French or equivalent. Relevant experience in the teaching of oral and written French is required.     

FREN 1002 [1.0 credit] 9 sections  for Fall and Winter terms, 1 section (1.0) for Fall term Intensive, 1 section (1.0) for Winter term Intensive.
Low Intermediate French

Taught in French for students who have had exposure to French but who have difficulty using it in day-to-day communication. Emphasis on oral expression and comprehension; development of reading and writing skills.  Oral practice, oral presentations, interviews, cultural activities, grammar exercises.  Attendance and participation are compulsory. Limited enrolment.  No auditors. Students must complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and check the level of entrance to this course on the departmental Web site.
Prerequisite: FREN 1001 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering.
Lecture: three hours a week.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. in French or equivalent. Relevant experience in the teaching of oral and written French is required.

FREN 1100 [1.0 credit] 7 sections for Fall and Winter terms, 1 section (1.0) for Winter term Intensive, 1 section (1.0) for Fall term Intensive, 1 section (0.5) for Winter term only.
Intermediate French

Taught in French.  Emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.  Oral presentations, discussions, interviews, reading of novels and magazine articles, listening activities, grammar exercises, compositions.  Attendance and participation are compulsory.  Limited enrolment.  No auditors.
Students must complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and check the level of entrance to this course on the departmental Web site.
Prerequisite: FREN 1002 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering.
Lecture: three hours a week.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. in French or equivalent. Candidates must have excellent written and oral French skills. Relevant experience in teaching written and oral language at the intermediate is required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting. 

FREN 1110 [1.0 credit] 1 section for Fall and Winter terms.
Written French 1

Taught in French. For students with low intermediate writing skills in French. Improvement of spelling, grammar, sentence-structure and vocabulary. Study of the processes involved in the production of a variety of texts.  Introduction to the use of references. Self-correction.  Attendance and participation compulsory.  Limited enrolment. No auditors. First week: compulsory placement testing class. Students must complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and check the level of entrance to this course on the departmental Web site.
Prerequisite: FREN 1002 or : placement test on Carleton Central before registering.
Lecture: 3 hours a week.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. in French or equivalent. Candidates must have excellent written and oral French skills. Relevant experience in teaching written language at the intermediate level is also required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting.   

FREN 2100 [1.0 credit] 5 sections for Fall and Winter terms, 1 section (0.5) for Winter term only, 1 section (1.0) for Winter term Intensive.
Advanced French

Taught in French. For non-francophone students. Advanced speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.  Advanced level reading from various sources, including literary texts.  Grammar exercises, essays, oral presentations. Attendance and participation are compulsory.  Limited enrolment.  No auditors. Students must complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and check the level of entrance to this course on the departmental Web site.
Lecture: three hours a week.
Prerequisite: FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering or permission of the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. in French or equivalent. Candidates must have excellent written and oral French skills. Relevant experience in teaching written and oral French at the advanced level is required, and preferably teaching at the university level. 

FREN 3050 [0.5 credit] FALL

Compétences critiques. Initiation aux techniques et pratiques de la réflexion universitaire : documentation (bibliothèque, bases de données, bibliographies critiques), lecture (analyse, synthèse  et évaluation critique de textes de savoir) et réflexion (cadre théorique, méthode d’analyse, pratique du discours raisonné). Prerequisite: FREN 2201 or 2401, or permission of the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a Ph.D. in French literature or French linguistics. Doctoral candidates (ABD) will be considered. Candidates should have advanced knowledge in the relevant field.  Teaching experience at the university level will be considered an asset.

FREN 3212 [0.5 credit] WINTER

Des manuscrits aux belles-lettres : de la littérature médiévale à l’humanisme. Étude d’une sélection de textes, tirés de divers genres, permettant d’explorer les origines de la littérature française : oralité et écriture; chansons de geste; courtoisie; récits de voyages; littérature de la cour; humanisme. Différentes approches théoriques du texte littéraire.  Prerequisite: FREN 2201 or permission of the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a Ph.D. in French literature. Doctoral candidates (ABD) will be considered. Candidates should have advanced knowledge in the relevant field.  Teaching experience at the university level will be considered an asset.

FREN 3214 [0.5 credit] WINTER

Révolutions, avant-gardes et ruptures : du 19e siècle aux années 1950. Étude de quelques grands mouvements ayant rythmé la vie des lettres francophones : romantisme, réalisme, naturalisme, symbolisme, surréalisme, modernisme. La littérature de la décolonisation et l’émergence de la littérature canadienne-française. Analyse des genres et de leur évolution. Approches théoriques du texte littéraire. Prerequisite: FREN 2201 or permission of  the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a Ph.D. in French literature. Doctoral candidates (ABD) will be considered. Candidates should have advanced knowledge in the relevant field.  Teaching experience at the university level will be considered an asset.

FREN 3412 [0.5 credit] WINTER

Morphologie et sémantique. Étude des systèmes morphologiques du français. Les unités lexicales, grammaticales et leurs portées signifiantes. Compréhension des mécanismes de construction des mots et de leurs significations. Création lexicale et grammaticalisation.

Prerequisite: FREN 2401 or permission of the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a Ph.D. in French linguistics. Doctoral candidates (ABD) will be considered. Candidates should have advanced knowledge in the relevant field.  Teaching experience at the university level will be considered an asset.

FREN 3701 [0.5 credit] WINTER
Français oral

Techniques avancées d’expression orale.
L’étudiant apprendra à élaborer et à produire un discours oral lié, clair, précis, et idiomatique.  Il développera sa compétence discursive  par l’étude et la pratique  de discours axés sur les  fonctions suivantes du langage : informative,  expressive, argumentative/incitative.
Prerequisite: permission of the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. or a Ph.D. in French. Candidates should have excellent oral French skills as well as relevant teaching experience, preferably at the university level.

FREN 3702 [0.5 credit] 1 Fall section and 1 Winter term section.
Français écrit

Techniques avancées d’expression écrite.
Perfectionnement avancé du français écrit. Production de textes variés. Travail sur le paragraphe et autres parties de texte. Réflexion sur l’efficacité et la valeur des règles et des conventions dans la communication écrite. Analyse et critique de productions écrites, recherche d’évidence dans des écrits individuels et appréciations critiques de celles-ci.  Implications de situation individuelle comme scripteur en langue seconde (LS). Élaboration d’un programme personnel de progrès de l’écrit en LS. Tenue d’un journal pédagogique de progrès d’écriture. Développement d’une autonomie informée et critique, en travail individuel et dans le cadre d’une équipe.
Prerequisite: permission of the Department.

To submit their candidacy for this course, applicants should have a M.A. or a Ph.D. in French. Candidates should have excellent written French skills as well as relevant teaching experience, preferably at the university level.