Image of Dunton Tower on the Carleton Campus16 Dunton:
votre département

Placement for French language courses

If you decide to take a French course as part of your program (whether you are taking a major in French or not), you will initially have to fill out the online placement questionnaire which will help you establish your level of French. The final score will determine the courses you may register in through Carleton Central. Keep in mind that you can only take this test once. Please be as accurate as possible while filling out the test. French skills are checked during the first week of class.

Please note that this placement test is intended for Carleton students who have never taken a French course at Carleton before. If you have already taken and passed a French course at Carleton, then you should enroll in the next course via Carleton Central.

Choosing your courses: we are here to help

Course selection is one of the most important decisions facing all undergraduate students. Program requirements, course prerequisites, limited enrolments, balanced study loads are some of the issues that must be carefully considered. To help you with this process, we recommend you follow the three steps below:

Step 1: familiarize yourself with the requirements and options for your particular program of study, as described in the Undergraduate Calendar.

Step 2: Plan your course selection in the winter term for the next academic year.

Step 3: Meet early with an advisor, either during the March Advising period, or by appointment with the Honours, Majors & Minors Supervisor.


Student Lounge/Computer Lab – 1605 Dunton Tower, open from 8:30am until 4:30pm

Soutien à l’écrit – Writing Tutorial, service in French, 1617 Dunton Tower

Soutien à l’oral  – 1609 Dunton Tower & 1619 Dunton tower