Placement for French language courses

If you decide to take a French course as part of your program (whether you are taking a major in French or not), you will initially have to fill out the online placement questionnaire which will help you establish your level of French. The final score will determine the courses you may register in through Carleton Central. Keep in mind that you can only take this test once. Please be as accurate as possible while filling out the test. French skills are checked during the first week of class. Please note that this placement test is intended for Carleton students who have never taken a French course at Carleton before. If you have already taken and passed a French course at Carleton, then you should enroll in the next course via Carleton Central.

How to Choose Your Courses…

Course selection is one of the most important decisions facing all undergraduate students. Program requirements, course prerequisites, limited enrolments, balanced study loads are some of the issues that must be carefully considered. To help you with this process, we recommend you follow the three steps below:

  • Step 1: familiarize yourself with the requirements and options for your particular program of study, as described in the Undergraduate Calendar.
  • Step 2: Plan your course selection in the winter term for the next academic year.
  • Step 3: Meet early with an advisor, either during the March Advising period, or by appointment with the Honours, Majors & Minors Supervisor.

Departmental Drop Box Policy 

  • The departmental drop box is located between 1602DT (main office) and 1601DT.
  • Mail and assignments received by 8:30 am will receive the previous day’s date from Tuesday through Friday.
  • Mail and assignments received from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm daily will receive the current day’s date.
  • Mail and assignments received after 4:00 pm on Fridays will receive Saturday’s date.
  • The drop box is cleared on Monday mornings before 8:30 am and mail received over the weekend will receive Saturday’s date.
    Please include your name, student number, course code and Instructor’s name on your assignments. 

Undergraduate Course Offerings 2024-2025

Information about the courses offered in our undergraduate programs is found below. Course outlines can be found on this page.

First Year

FREN 1001 French 1 [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
This course is designed for absolute beginners in the language. Classes use audio-visual methods, and emphasis is given to the spoken language. Introduction to reading and writing. Compulsory attendance. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s): placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Lecture three hours a week.
FREN 1002 French 2 [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Taught in French for students who have had exposure to French but who have difficulty using it in day-to-day communication. Emphasis on oral expression and comprehension; development of reading and writing skills. Presentations, interviews, cultural activities, grammar exercises. Compulsory attendance and participation. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1001 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Lecture three hours a week.
FREN 1002 French 2 Intensive [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Taught in French for students who have had exposure to French but who have difficulty using it in day-to-day communication. Emphasis on oral expression and comprehension; development of reading and writing skills. Presentations, interviews, cultural activities, grammar exercises. Compulsory attendance and participation. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1001 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Lecture six hours a week.
FREN 1050 Le français en classe et dans le monde [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
The development of written and oral communication skills, as well as research and study skills, through an introduction to the diversity of the French language and francophone literatures and cultures. Conducted in French with some workshops in English.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Seminars three hours per week.
FREN 1100 French 3 [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Taught in French. Emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Oral presentations, discussions, interviews, reading of novels and magazine articles, listening activities, grammar exercises, compositions. Attendance and participation are compulsory. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1002 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Lecture three hours a week.
FREN 1100 French 3  Intensive [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Taught in French. Emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Oral presentations, discussions, interviews, reading of novels and magazine articles, listening activities, grammar exercises, compositions. Attendance and participation are compulsory. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1002 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Lecture six hours a week.

Second Year

FINS 2105 French Reading I [0.5 credit] (Lecture)
Development of reading skills, especially relating to academic texts. Basic French grammar and vocabulary. Given in English. Open to beginners. No auditors.
Offered online. Equivalent to a weekly three-hour course, available all week.
Precludes additional credit for FREN 1006. Prerequisite(s): permission of the Department.
FREN 2100 French 4 [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Taught in French. For non-francophone students. Advanced speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Advanced level reading from various sources, including literary texts. Grammar exercises, essays, oral presentations. Attendance and participation are compulsory. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 or permission of the Department, or placement test on Carleton Central before registering. Lecture three hours a week.
FREN 2110 French 4: Writing [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Taught in French. For students with intermediate French writing skills. Refinement of spelling, grammar, sentence-structure and vocabulary; accuracy and textual organization. Essay-writing. Use and referencing of various sources. Self-correction. Attendance and participation compulsory. Limited enrolment. No auditors. Oral interaction required.
Prerequisite(s):  Grade of C or higher in FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 or permission of the Department, or placement test on Carleton Central before registering.
Precludes: FREN 2100. Lecture three hours a week.
FREN 2202 Introduction aux études littéraires 1 [0.5 credit] (Lecture)
Survol historique des littératures d’expression française : principaux auteurs, grands mouvements, évolution des genres. Initiation aux méthodes et notions d’analyse littéraire.
Prerequisite: FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the Department. This course may be taken concurrently with FREN 2100 or FREN 2110.
Precludes additional credit for FREN 2201. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 2203 Introduction aux études littéraires 2 [0.5 credit] (Lecture)
Survol historique des littératures d’expression française au Québec et au Canada : principaux auteurs, grands mouvements, évolution des genres. Initiation aux méthodes et notions d’analyse littéraire.
Prerequisite: FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the Department. This course may be taken concurrently with FREN 2100 or FREN 2110.
Precludes additional credit for FREN 2201. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 2401 Introduction à la linguistique française [1.0 credit] (Lecture)
Étude de la structure et du fonctionnement du système linguistique à travers l’analyse de données du français (de France et du Canada). La construction du sens, des sons au discours ; code oral et écrit.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the Department. This course may be taken concurrently with FREN 2100 or FREN 2110. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 2701 Travaux pratiques en français oral [0.5 credit] (Lecture)
Travaux pratiques pour développer l’aisance et la fluidité dans l’expression orale. This course is not suitable for francophones or students returning from exchange. No auditors.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in FREN 1100 or FREN 1110 or placement test on Carleton Central before registering.
Cours trois heures par semaine.

Third Year

FINS 3105 French Reading II [0.5 credit] (Lecture)
Reading knowledge for academic purposes. Advanced reading strategies. Individual reading in the student’s specialization. Given in English. No auditors
Precludes additional credit for FREN 1006.
Prerequisite(s): FINS 2105 or permission of the Department.
Offered online. Equivalent to a weekly three-hour course, available all week.
FREN 3050 Compétences critiques [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Initiation aux techniques et pratiques de la réflexion universitaire : documentation (bibliothèque, bases de données, bibliographies critiques), lecture (analyse, synthèse et évaluation critique de textes de savoir) et réflexion (cadre théorique, méthode d’analyse, pratique du discours raisonné).
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2202, FREN 2203 and FREN 2401, or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3060 Perfectionnement de la grammaire par la pratique [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Analyse et pratique réfléchie des formes de la grammaire dans le discours: Structures des phrases, marques d’accord, concordance des temps, prépositions et compléments, homonymie et homographie, faux amis et anglicismes. Développement des techniques efficaces d’autocorrection et maîtrise d’outils informatisés.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2202 and FREN 2203 or FREN 2401, or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3213 Du Baroque aux Lumières [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Étude des 17e et 18e siècles : raison et universalisme, encyclopédisme, construction et représentation de l’altérité, colonialisme et esclavagisme. Analyse d’importants développements littéraires : essai et conte philosophiques, théâtre et critique sociale, évolution du discours romanesque. Approches théoriques du texte littéraire.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2202 and FREN 2203 or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3216 Problématique littéraire [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Étude approfondie d’une problématique dans le champ des études littéraires. Lectures critiques, réflexion théorique et études d’œuvres littéraires. Contenu variable selon les années : consulter le site web du département de français. Repeatable for credit when the topic changes.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2202 and FREN 2203 or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3411 Phonétique et phonologie du français [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Étude empirique et théorique des éléments et systèmes phonétiques et phonologiques du français. Processus segmentaux et suprasegmentaux, structures syllabiques et prosodiques. Problèmes classiques de la phonologie française.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2401 or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3412  Morphologie du français [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Étude de la forme des unités lexicales et grammaticales du français et de leur portée signifiante. Analyse du système flexionnel du français et des mécanismes de formation des mots.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2401 or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3414 Sociolinguistique du français [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Le français, une réalité hétérogène. Approche variationniste, qualitative et quantitative, de l’étude du français dans ses dimensions dialectales, sociales et stylistiques. Variations intra-individuelles et entre individus. Facteurs externes de la variation interne du français. Diversités du français.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2401 or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3701 Français oral [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Techniques avancées d’expression orale. This course is not suitable for francophones. This course is suitable for students returning from exchange. No auditors.
Prerequisite(s): one FREN course at the 2000-level, or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3702 Français écrit [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Techniques avancées d’expression écrite. No auditors.
Prerequisite(s): one FREN course at the 2000-level, or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 3900 Apprentissage et enseignement du français langue seconde [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Initiation aux études des programmes au Canada et ailleurs. Processus d’acquisition des habiletés d’expression et de compréhension. Survol des théories passées et actuelles. Appréciation et critique de pratiques pédagogiques.
Prerequisite(s): one FREN course at the 2000-level, or permission of the Department. Cours trois heures par semaine.

Fourth Year

FREN 4213 Littératures québécoise et canadienne d’expression française [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Étude approfondie portant sur un ou plusieurs aspects des littératures d’expression française au Canada. Contenu variable selon les années : consulter le site web du département de français. Repeatable for credit when the topic changes.
Prerequisite(s): FREN 2202, FREN 2203 and FREN 3050, or permission of the Department.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as FREN 5213, for which additional credit is precluded. Cours trois heures par semaine.
FREN 4412 Diversité du français [0.5 credit] (Seminar)
Études des variétés du français, dans ses dimensions spatiales. Contenu variable selon les années : consulter le site web du département de français. Repeatable for credit when the topic changes.
Also listed as LING 4412. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2401 and FREN 3050, or permission of the Department.

Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as FREN 5414 and LING 5414, for which additional credit is precluded. Cours trois heures par semaine
FREN 4801 Tutorial A [0.5 credit] (Tutorial).
FREN 4802 Tutorial B [0.5 credit] (Tutorial).