Contract Instructor Opportunities Fall/Winter 2020-2021
Updated Posting – April 22nd, 2020

Pursuant to Articles 15 to 18 of the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, and subject to both budgetary and administrative approvals, applications are invited from members of the CUPE 4600-2 bargaining unit and other interested persons to teach the following Department of French courses during the 2020-2021 Fall and Winter terms. Please note that the University reserves the right to cancel any courses with insufficient registration.

A note to all applicants: As per Articles 16.3 and 16.4 in the CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement, the posted vacancies listed below are first offered to applicants meeting the incumbency criterion. A link to the current CUPE 4600-2 Collective Agreement can be found at the Employment Agreements webpage on the Carleton University Human Resources website and the CUPE 4600 website

Required Academic Qualifications and Skills for FINS 2105, FREN 1001, FREN 1002, FREN 1100, FREN 2100, FREN 3701
The required minimum qualification is an MA in French or Applied Linguistics. However, a PhD in French or Applied Linguistics will normally count as a superior qualification. For degrees in French, given the nature of our French language program, a degree specialization in language pedagogy or applied linguistics will normally be considered as more relevant to the position than a degree in formal linguistics or literary and/or cultural studies. A desired qualification is experience developing curricular content and assessment tools. Native or near-native fluency and excellent written skills in French are required. Candidates should also possess a strong written and spoken knowledge of English (the working language at Carleton University). The required teaching experience is specified for each course below.

FINS 2105 [0.50 credit] Fall
French Reading I
Development of reading skills, especially relating to academic texts. Basic French grammar and vocabulary. Given in English. Open to beginners.
Offered online. Equivalent to a weekly three-hour course, available all week.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience in teaching written language at the beginner level is required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting. Experience with on-line teaching preferred.

FREN 1001 [1.0 credit] multiple sections, Fall-Winter (Intensive: 1 section Fall)
French 1
This course is designed for absolute beginners in the language. Classes use audio-visual methods, and emphasis is given to the spoken language. Introduction to reading and writing.
Lecture three hours a week. Intensive, six hours a week.

Multi-section course with common course materials determined by the Coordinator, and team developed exams.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience in teaching written and oral language at the beginner level is required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 1002 [1.0 credit] multiple sections, Fall-Winter (Intensive: 1 section Winter)
French 2
Taught in French for students who have had exposure to French but who have difficulty using it in day-to-day communication. Emphasis on oral expression and comprehension; development of reading and writing skills. Oral practice, oral presentations, interviews, cultural activities, grammar exercises. Lecture: three hours a week. Intensive, six hours a week.

Multi-section course with common course materials determined by the Coordinator, and team developed exams.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience in teaching written and oral language at the low intermediate level is required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 1100 [1.0 credit] multiple sections, Fall-Winter (Intensive: 1 section Fall, 1 section Winter)
French 3
Taught in French. Emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Oral presentations, discussions, interviews, reading of novels and magazine articles, listening activities, grammar exercises, compositions. Lecture: three hours a week. Intensive, six hours a week.

Multi-section course with common course materials determined by the Coordinator, and team developed exams.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience in teaching written and oral language at the intermediate level is required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 2100 [1.0 credit] multiple sections, Fall-Winter
French 4
Taught in French. For non-francophone students. Advanced speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.  Advanced level reading from various sources, including literary texts.  Grammar exercises, essays, oral presentations. Attendance and participation are compulsory.  Limited enrolment. Lecture: three hours a week. Intensive, six hours a week.

Multi-section course with common course materials determined by the Coordinator, and team developed exams.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience in teaching written and oral French at the advanced level is required, and preferably, experience teaching at the university level.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 3411 (0.5 credit) 1 section TBD
Phonétique et phonologie du français
Étude empirique et théorique des éléments et systèmes phonétiques et phonologiques du français. Processus segmentaux et suprasegmentaux, structures syllabiques et prosodiques. Problèmes classiques de la phonologie française.
Cours trois heures par semaine.

Required Academic Qualifications and Skills: PhD in phonetics or phonology.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience teaching linguistics at the university level.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 3412 (0.5 credit) 1 section TBD
Morphologie du français
Étude de la forme des unités lexicales et grammaticales du français et de leur portée signifiante. Analyse du système flexionnel du français et des mécanismes de formation des mots.
Cours trois heures par semaine.

Required Academic Qualifications and Skills: PhD in morphology or syntax.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience teaching linguistics at the university level.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 3413 (0.5 credit) 1 section TBD
Syntaxe du français
Études de la structure et des composantes de la phrase: mots et syntagmes. Analyse syntaxique de la phrase simple et complexe. Modèle hiérarchique de l’organisation de la phrase.
Cours trois heures par semaine.

Required Academic Qualifications and Skills: PhD in morphology or syntax.

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience teaching linguistics at the university level.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

FREN 3701 (0.5 credit) 1 section Winter
Français oral
Techniques avancées d’expression orale.
L’étudiant apprendra à élaborer et à produire un discours oral lié, clair, précis, et idiomatique.  Il développera sa compétence discursive par l’étude et la pratique de discours axés sur les fonctions suivantes du langage : informative, expressive, argumentative/incitative.
Lecture : three hours a week

Teaching Competence: Relevant experience in teaching written and oral language at the advanced level is required, and preferably, experience teaching in a university setting.
The University may require that all or part of this course be delivered remotely, including online.

Application Procedures and Deadlines:

All applicants must apply to the Department Head in writing and in relation to each course for which they wish to be considered by May 13th 2020.

Randall Gess, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor, Department of French
Professeur titulaire et directeur, Département de français
1604 Dunton Tower, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa ON K1S 5B6
Tel: (613) 520-2600, ext. 2332

As per Article 15.3 of the current CUPE 4600 Unit 2 Collective Agreement, applicants are required to submit an up to date CV, including a complete listing of all courses taught within the CUPE 4600 Unit 2 bargaining unit at Carleton University. Candidates are also asked to complete a “Contract Instructor Application Form” available at

Candidates who have already contacted the department and submitted a CV recently need only indicate their interest in particular courses. NOTE that when applying to classes for which they have incumbency, applicants shall not be required to (re)submit documentation beyond their updated CV.

Carleton University is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our University including but not limited to women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

Pre-Posting Hiring Decisions:

No courses have been assigned to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, or visiting scholars.