Photo of Céline Bonnotte-Hoover

Céline Bonnotte-Hoover

Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream)

Degrees:Honours BA French and Spanish, MA French Literature, PhD French Literature (University of Toronto)
Phone:613-520-2600 x 3590
Office:1618 Dunton Tower

Office Hours: Wednesday 10am-11am (Hybrid), Thursday 1:30pm-2:30pm and by apt

2024-2025 Courses

  • FREN 1100C
  • FREN 3060A (Winter)
  • FREN 3702A (Fall)


I was born in France and learned English when I moved to Canada. Later, I learned Spanish and travelled throughout South America. In both contexts, I experienced what it’s like to try to communicate in an unfamiliar language. Those experiences greatly impacted my teaching style. My love of languages, as well as of reading, led me to study in the field of travel literature. I completed my PhD at the University of Toronto. My thesis focused on the nature and evolution of the role of interpreters, translators and mediators in the writings of Early Modern French travellers. This topic, which links back to my interest in language teaching, made me reflect on the diversity of language teaching strategies and how language was learned in a time where textbooks were nonexistent. During my PhD, I taught a wide range of French language, translation and literature courses at various levels.

Research Interests

  • Technology in the classroom
  • French teaching methodology
  • Integrating francophone culture into the classroom
  • Translation
  • Travel literature


2021: Excellence in Blended and Online Teaching Award (Carleton University)

2019: Certificat d’excellence en enseignement (French Department, University of Toronto)

2013-2014; 2016-2019: Ontario Graduate Scholarship

2014-2016: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Scholarship

Presentations (since 2017)

Upcoming June 2024: Montréal. “Stratégies pour lutter contre l’anxiété des étudiant.e.s face à l’écriture”, Colloque de l’APFUCC.

April 29th, 2022: Holguin, Cuba. “L’Enseignement de la grammaire en ligne selon la Perspective actionnelle du CECRL”, XVI CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS, COMUNICACIÓN Y CULTURA, Wefla 2022.

May 24th-25th, 2018: Université du Québec à Montréal. “Acquisition de compétences (inter)culturelles à travers l’approche actionnelle: défis et pistes de résolution pour les apprenants de FLS dans le contexte canadien” during the 7th Meeting on Language Teaching (MeLT 2018).

April 20th, 2018: University of Toronto. “Développement des compétences interculturelles à travers la série Écho” during the conference entitled “Enseigner le français dans le contexte canadien : relever le défi de l’hétérogénéité des élèves et des enseignants”

October 18-22, 2017: The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS) Annual Conference. “Les interprètes du XVIIIe siècle: rupture ou continuité ?”

May 27-29, 2017: Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies (CSRS). “Portrait de deux médiateurs en action : le voyage à Sumatra des frères Parmentier”, during the CSRS/SCÉR Congress 2017.


Bonnotte, Céline, « Interpreters in Early Modern China: The roles of the interpreter in Matteo Ricci’s Journals », Routledge, Travel and Conflict in the Early Modern World, Routledge, 2021.

Bonnotte, Céline, « Le truchement: un personnage de l’entre-deux » in @nalyses, Proceedings of the Colloque de l’Université de Montréal (May 2-3, 2013), vol. 10, n° 2, printemps-été 2015.

Other Contributions

May 2022: Carleton University. « L’Enseignement de la grammaire en ligne selon la Perspective  actionnelle du CECRL », given to colleagues in the Department of French during our end of year retreat, in collaboration with Frenand Léger.

November 2021: Carleton University. Welcome to my (Online) Classroom workshop on HyFlex and In-person teaching during Fall 2021, EDC.

August 2021: Carleton University. Workshop on Brightspace for colleagues in the department of French, in collaboration with Contract Instructors Frank Adou and Ali Ghaharbeighi.

March 2021: Carleton University Student French Association (CUSFA) « Mois de la francophonie » café series. Presentation « Les repas en France. Quelques traditions et expressions pour en parler ».

October 2020: Dalhousie University. « Premier bilan sur une transition à l’enseignement en ligne », French Department.

June 2020: Carleton University. Workshop on cuPortfolio, given to colleagues in the Department of French in collaboration with Professor Emilie Urbain.

August 2020: Carleton University. Roundtable on Zoom, given to colleagues in the Department of French in collaboration with Instructor Frenand Léger,

August 2020: Carleton University. Workshop on BigBlueButton, given to colleagues in the Department of French.