Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Two-Hundred Years of Land Cover & Ecosystem Service Change: Alfred Bog, Ontario

April 13, 2016 at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Location:2nd Floor Boardroom National Wildlife Research Centre


Speaker/Présentateur: Alex Foster
Graduate Programme in Geography & Environmental Studies Carleton University

This study mapped land-cover changes and areal reduction of Southern Ontario’s largest peatland, Alfred Bog, over eleven periods between 1800 and 2014, as it transitioned from a natural to an altered state. The peatland’s volumetric reduction and the dynamics of three ecosystem services (food production, peat production and carbon storage) were quantified from 1909 to 2014. Given raised bogs’ characteristic peat depth profiles, capturing different land-use pressures’ impacts on Alfred’s volumetric reduction and carbon storage necessitated characterizing both 2D and 3D losses. Overall, this analysis provides new insight into the relationships between multiple ESs and their responses to anthropogenic drivers in peatlands.
