Claire Crowley
Ecosystem Technician for Environment Canada
I graduated from Carleton University with a BA Honours in Environmental Studies in April of 2011. Since that time I have gained considerable practical knowledge and experience in fisheries science and environmental management. I began my undergraduate studies with a desire to learn about a wide range of disciplines, but I was unsure about my area of concentration. The diversity of knowledge that I acquired through my degree, time and again directed me towards careers in resource management. I have discovered through practical experience and education – an “ah-ha” moment – that I am truly captivated by fisheries management.
I have recently relocated to Vancouver and I am currently working as an Ecosystem Technician for Environment Canada (EC). At EC, I assist in the collection of water quality, sediment, and biological data for use in the assessment and management of water resources in transboundary waterways including the Okanagan and Columbia systems, the Lower Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island. Before my work at EC, I worked for Ontario Streams as their Adopt-A-Stream Assistant Coordinator. I assisted and organized volunteers to complete biological monitoring, taught fish and benthic macro-invertebrate identification skills, and implemented stream restoration techniques for restoring and enhancing fish habitat. In addition, I also worked for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) as a Field Technician. I assisted with many projects concerning both native and invasive fish species: round goby, sea lamprey control, salmonid monitoring, general fish monitoring, and identification. Additionally, I am hoping to pursue graduate studies in Environmental Management or Fish and Wildlife technology.
During my studies at Carleton, I valued the truly holistic view of the environment that DGES provided me. It gave me an excellent foundation for my job searches and general work performance. My independent study provided me with invaluable work experience, piqued my interest in fieldwork, aided me in narrowing in on my interests, and ultimately boosted my career in fisheries work. The knowledge, accreditation, and connections inherent in the Environmental Studies program were instrumental to my becoming a contributing member of the resource management industry.