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The working caregiver’s journey: balancing roles and responsibilities and caring for one’s self

Are you currently, or do you anticipate providing care or support to an aging loved one?  Are you worried about being able to effectively balance your roles and responsibilities as caregiver, family member, employee, AND maintaining your own sense of wellbeing and happiness?

Balancing work and eldercare is challenging.   This session will provide you with important insights into the working caregiver’s practical and emotional journey along the continuum of care, while introducing coping strategies and methods of successfully managing one’s own wellbeing.

About the Presenter

Jennifer Moir is an EAP and Eldercare Consultant with AgeWell Solutions. This session is offered through Carleton’s Employee and Family Assistance Program.


To register for this event, please fill out the form below. You will receive an email with the Zoom details closer to the event date.