The Healthy Workplace “Mental Health Speaker Series” consists of a variety of topics presented virtually by Carleton faculty members. Our guest speakers will discuss their research in the area of mental health and wellness.
This speaker series is offered in partnership with the Department of Psychology , the Department of Neuroscience, the School of Social Work and the Department of Sociology & Anthropology .
Resilience: Thriving in the Aftermath of Stressful Experiences with Professor Kim Matheson
Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Mental Health in Adolescents with Professor Katie Gunnell
The Paradox of Solitude: Exploring the Costs & Benefits of Being Alone with Professor Robert Coplan
Diabetes and Wellbeing with Professor Rachel Burns
The Mechanisms of Action of Novel Antidepressant Pharmacotherapies with Dr. Argel Aguilar-Valles
Stress and coping with food: Why do we eat when we feel stressed? with Professor Alfonso (Alfie) Abizaid
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