![Photo of Keroles Riad Photo of Keroles Riad](https://carleton.ca/innovationhub/wp-content/uploads/Screenshot-2024-02-05-at-11.59.17-AM-200x200.png)
Keroles Riad
Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Carleton University | CEO, O Nanotech Solutions & enuf
Degrees: | Ph.D - individualized program developing new materials for 3D printing (Concordia University) |
LinkedIn: | Connect |
Dr. Keroles B. Riad is a Valedictorian and former Public Scholar at Concordia University where he received a Ph.D. degree from the individualized program developing new materials for 3D printing. He is the CEO of enuf, a spin-off B-corp of the “Waste Not, Want Not” student initiative he started at Concordia University for which he received the Quebec Lieutenant-Governor Youth Medal. Since the beginning of “Waste Not, Want Not” in 2016, the Concordia community doubled their annual composting, and each Concordian reduced their annual overall waste by 16%. Read more about his journey in this first-person essay he wrote for the CBC.
Keroles B. Riad est un Valedictorien et ancien chercheur public de l’Université Concordia où il a obtenu un doctorat du programme individualisé de développement de nouveaux matériaux pour l’impression 3D. Il est le PDG de Enuf, une compagnie certifiée B-Corp née du programme de compostage et de recyclage Waste Not, Want Not qu’il avait implanté à l’Université Concordia et pour lequel il a reçu la Médaille du Lieutenant-gouverneur du Québec pour la jeunesse. Keroles est à la tête d’un plaidoyer pour un programme national d’éducation en développement durable dans l’ensemble des écoles et universités canadiennes.