1. Player Features
  2. Tour of the player
  3. Keyboard Shortcuts

When videos are uploaded to MediaSpace, they are then played within Kaltura’s Video Player. Then, when videos are shared with your audience, they are played within that same player.

The Kaltura Player may provide you with multiple interactive viewing options, such as Picture-in-Picture, Side-by-Side, and other displays depending on how the video was recorded. The following video is an example of the viewing options available within the Kaltura Player.

Player Features

The Kaltura player has many features that are consistent across all of Carleton’s videos as long as they were uploaded to MediaSpace.

Player interface controls

Tour of the player

Keyboard Shortcuts

Description Key
Toggle play/pause video Space-bar
Go back 5 seconds Left arrow
Go forward 5 seconds Right arrow
Go to Full Screen mode f
Exit Full Screen mode Esc
Increase volume by 5% Up arrow
Decrease volume by 5% Down arrow

Advanced Functions

Function Keyboard Shortcut
view layout controls (single/pic in pic/side by side – cyclic) q
view layout switch button (cyclic) w
side menu open ctrl + o
side menu close alt + ctrl + o
to jump from top chapter/slides down (one by one) tab
to jump upwards shift + tab
to jump between chapters when there are also slides in between tab + c

tab + shift + c to go up the chapters

Locator (menu must be in open state) shift + l
expand nested slides >
contract nested slides <
expand all shift + >
contract all shift + <
stream selection menu – open s
stream selection menu – close shift + s
browse through streams (cyclic) ]
reset stream to default \